
The Integer class is a wrapper class that wraps up an integer value.


Integer x = new Integer(5);
// or  Integer x = new Integer("5");
// or  Integer x = 5; // autoboxing

Some Static Constants:

MAX_VALUE  // largest int value
MIN_VALUE  // smallest int value

Some Static Methods:

parseInt(some string with a number)
parseInt(some string with a number, the base as an int)

toBinaryString(some int)
toHexString(some int)
toOctalString(some int)

toString(some int)  // returns the int as a String
toString(some int, the base)  // returns the int as a String in the given base

Some Common Methods:

intValue()  // returns the value as an int
// there are also methods to return the value as a double, etc.
// doubleValue(), shortValue(), longValue(), etc.
toString()  // returns the value as a String

equals(other object)

compareTo(other Integer object)