Logical Operators

The logical operators give back a value of true or false (boolean).

There are three logical operators in Java and are evaluated in the following order:

!     The not operator     !true  is false   !false is the value true
&&    The and operator     true && true  is true, other cases return false
||    The or operator      false || false is false, other cases return true

!value    result
------    ------
!true     false
!false    true

value &&  value   result
-----     -----   ------
true  &&  true    true
true  &&  false   false
false &&  true    false
false &&  false   false

value ||  value   result
-----     -----   ------
true  ||  true    true
true  ||  false   true
false ||  true    true
false ||  false   false


if (!(x>y)) ... if ( x>y && x>z) ... if (x<y || x<z) ... if (x > y) out.println("x is greater than y"); if (y > x) out.println("y is greater than x"); if (x > y && x > z) out.println("x is greater than y and z"); else if (y > z) out.println("y is greater than x and z"); else out.println("z is greater than x and y"); Note: && and || operators are short circuited (the right side is not evaluated unless necessary). For example: if the left side of an || operation is true, there is no need to evaluate the right hand side. if the left side of an && operation is false, there is no need to evaluate the right hand side.