
Sorting is rearranging a list of items to be in order. There are many different algorithms for sorting. Some are fast and some are slow depending on the number of items that are being sorted. Most all algorithms are fast if you have a small number of items to sort. The problem with time comes when the list gets large.


A Summary of Sorting Algorithms (wikipedia)

Sort Big O (worst case) Big O (best case) Link
Merge Sort O(n*log2(n)) O(n*log2(n)) Merge
Quick Sort O(n2) O(n*log2(n)) Quick
Bubble Sort O(n2) O(n) Bubble
Selection Sort O(n2) O(n2) Selection
Insertion Sort O(n2) O(n) Insertion

Example 1: Sorting an Array String [] list = {"Tom", "Sue", "Adam"}; Arrays.sort(list);
Example 2: Sorting an ArrayList ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("Tom"); list.add("Sue"); list.add("Adam"); etc. Collections.sort(list);
Example 3: Writing your own sorts // the following code shows a selection sort for (int j = 0; j < n-1; j++) { /* find the min element in the unsorted a[j .. n-1] */ /* assume the min is the first element */ int iMin = j; /* test against elements after j to find the smallest */ for (int i = j+1; i < n; i++) { /* if this element is less, then it is the new minimum */ if (a[i] < a[iMin]) { /* found new minimum; remember its index */ iMin = i; } } if ( iMin != j ) { swap(a[j], a[iMin]); } }