System Sounds

You can play a short sound file (wav) that is 30 seconds or less using a System Sound.

Step 1: Add the AudioToolbox.framework
     Click on your project in the left pane of Xcode
     Click on your TARGETS and then click on Build Phases
     Click on Link Binary With Libraries and click on the + icon
     Now choose the AudioToolbox.framework

Step 2: Add
     #import < AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h > to your controller's .h file

Step 3: Add
     SystemSoundID theSound; as an instance variable in your .h file

Step 4: Copy
     your sound files to your project (30 seconds or less wav files)

Step 5: Register your sound (30 seconds or less wav files)
     NSURL *theSoundURLRef = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"filename"
     SystemSoundID theSoundID = 0;
     AudioServicesCreateSystemSoundID((CFURLRef) theSoundURLRef,&theSoundID);
     theSound = theSoundID;

Step 6: To Play the Sound