
Python 3 Help


Online Python Interpreters

Python Repl.it IDE
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Python IDE JDoodle (backup)
Turtle Graphics IDE

Online Help Sites for Python

PythonHelp Website for our camp
w3schools tutorials
Tutorials Point tutorials
Turtle Graphics Tutorials

Importance of Programming and a Brief Introduction

Importance of Programming

Python Programming Assignments for this Workshop

Programming Assignments (more to come)
Go to Last Programming Assignment

Hello World
Printing on the Console
Math Stuff
type casts
if else statements
Math Functions
Date and Time Functions
Escape Sequences
Creating Functions
Functions with Arguments
Built in Functions
Lists (Arrays)
Tuples (Immutable Lists)
Lists 2D(Arrays 2D)
Reading from the Console
Some Simple Programs
More Labs

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Arithmetic Operators ( +, -, /, //, *, **)
# / produces a float, where as // produces a whole number (floors it)
x = 5 + 7 // x will receive 12 y = 3 * 12 // y will receive 36 z = x + y // z will receive 48
Relational Operators (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=)
Sample 1: x = 8 y = 12 if x > y: print(x, "is bigger than",y) Sample 2: x = 8 y = 12 if x > y: print(x, "is bigger than",y) else: print(y, "is bigger than",x) Sample 3: x = 8 y = 12 if x > y: print(x, "is bigger than",y) elif y > x: print(y, "is bigger than",x) else: print(y, "is the equal to",x) Sample 4: temp = 75 if temp >= 90: print("It is", temp, "degrees outside. It is so hot!") print("I really hate this weather unless I am at the pool!") elif temp >= 80: print("It is", temp, "degrees outside. It is a little warm!") elif temp >= 65: print("It is", temp, "degrees outside. It is a great day!") print("I really love this weather!") elif temp >= 40: print("It is", temp, "degrees outside. It is a little cool out there!") print("I am not very fond of cool weather!") else: print("It is", temp, "degrees outside. It is very cold out there!") print("I really hate this weather!")
Logical Operators (and, or, not )
Sample 1: x = 8 y = 12 z = 10 if x > y and x > z: print(x, "is bigger than", y, "and bigger than", z, ".") elif y > x and y > z: print(y, "is bigger than", x, "and bigger than", z, ".") elif z > x and z > y: print(z, "is bigger than", x, "and bigger than", y, ".") elif x == y and x == z: print(x, y, z, "are all equal") elif x == y: print(x, y, "are equal") elif x == z: print(x, z, "are equal") elif y == z: print(y, z, "are equal") else: print("It should not ever get here.")
Bitwise Operators (&, |, ^, ~, <<, >>)

Assignment Operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=)

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Math Stuff


print("Let's do some Math")

print("3 + 4 - 5")   # prints out  3 + 4 - 5
print(3 + 4 - 5)     # prints out  2

print("It knows about my dear aunt Sally")
print("7 - 5 *2")    # prints out  7 - 5 *2 
print(7 - 5 *2)      # prints out  -3

print("1/2 * 5")     # prints out 1/2 * 5
print(1/2 * 5)       # prints out 2.5

print("2**3 + 2")    # prints out 2**3 + 2
print(2**3 + 2)      # prints out 10  (2**3 means 2 raised to the 3rd power)

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Math Functions


import math

math.pow(2,3)   - returns 2 * 2 * 2 = 8.0
math.sqrt(16)   - returns 4.0
math.pi         - returns 3.141592653589793
math.fabs(-20)  - returns 20.0

random.randrange(1, 100) - returns a random number from 1 to 100

(you can always use a type cast if you want an integer)

import math

print(math.pow(2, 3))




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Date and Time


Sample 1:
from datetime import date

today = date.today()
print("Today's date:", today)

Sample 2:
from datetime import datetime

now = datetime.now()

current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print("Current Time =", current_time)

Sample 3:
import time

print("Printed immediately.")
print("Printed after 2.4 seconds.")

Sample 4:
import time

named_tuple = time.localtime() # get struct_time
time_string = time.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S", named_tuple)


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# This is a comment 
''' Python comments can also
    span multiple lines
if you use 3 single quotes to start
and 3 single quotes to end

""" Python comments can also use
double quotes to start and end a String
or a comment.
    A String that
spans multiple lines.

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Python built in functions:
abs, divmod, cmp, coerce, float, hex, int, max, min, oct,
pow, round

The math module provides more functions

from math import *

acos, asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, cosh, e, exp, fabs, floor, fmod,
frexp, hypot, ldexp, log, log10, mod, pi, pow, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan,

NumPy has a lot more at www.scipy.org

Support for Complex Numbers are built in.
Use j for the square root of -1


Complex Number functions
import cmath

acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, cos, cosh, e, exp, log, log10,
pi, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh.

import cmath


Other functions
ord(ch)			# ordinal value of 1 character string
hex(integer)    # returns as a string the hex number 
oct(integer)	# returns as a string the octal number
bin(integer)	# returns as a string the binary number

# play sounds (print("\a") does not work in 3)
import winsound         # for sound  
import time             # for sleep

winsound.Beep(440, 250) # frequency, duration
time.sleep(0.25)        # in seconds (0.25 is 250ms)

winsound.Beep(600, 250)

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type casts


x = 12
x = float(x) # x is now 12.0

x = 12.5
x = int(x)  # x is now 12

x = str(12) # x is now "12"

x = int(input("Enter a first number: "))
y = int(input("Enter a second number: "))

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from named_constants import Constants

>>> class Colors(Constants):
...     black = 0
...     red = 1
...     white = 15
>>> c = Colors.black
>>> c == 0
>>> c
>>> c.name()
>>> Colors(0) is c

class Constants:
        return 1

from const import Constants


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num = int(input("Tell me a number: "))
for i in range(num):

range(5) is equivalent to range(0, 5)
range(2,6)—     2,3,4,5
range(6,2)—     no values
range(2,8,2)—   2,4,6
range(2,9,2)—   2,4,6,8
range(6,2,-1)—  6,5,4,3

for i in range(6):
	print(i, end=" ") # prints 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

for i in range(2, 6):
	print(i, end=" ") # prints 2, 3, 4, 5

for i in range(2, 7, 2):
	print(i, end=" ") # prints 2, 4, 6

for ch in "Programming is fun!":
	print("the next character is", ch)

s = "Programming is fun!"
len_s = len(s)
for i in range(len_s):
	print("the next character is", s[i])

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Hello World


print("Hello World")

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   A variable refers to a place in RAM memory
   where you can store information (numbers,
   strings of characters, etc.)  Think of box
   or a container that holds data.
   Variables have names so that us humans can 
   refer to them.  Variable names should be 
   descriptive of what kind of information they 
   refer to.
   Names must start with a letter of the alphabet.
   After that you can have more letters or numbers or
   the underscore(_) character.  However, you can not
   have a space character or any other special characters
   in your name.  We should always user lower case letters,
   except on word boundaries for long names.  Variables 
   can not be key words of the programming language.
   Also, names are case sensitive.  So, X and x are actually
   different names.
   Some examples of variable names:

    answer       x          y
   --------   --------   --------
   |  12  |  |   7   |   |  5   |
   --------   --------   --------
# A simple Python set of instructions (commands):
# The # tells the interpreter to ignore the line

print("Python Sample Program")
print()  # prints nothing on the line and moves the output cursor down a line

x = 7   # creates variable x and stores 7 inside the box or container
y = 5   # creates variable y and stores 5 inside the box or container

answer = x + y   # adds 7 + 5 and stores 12 in the y box

print(answer)    # displays in the output window 12

# Another simple Python set of instructions (commands):
# The # tells the interpreter to ignore the line

print("Python Sample Program 2")

x = int(input("Enter the value for x: "))
y = int(input("Enter the value for y: "))

answer = x + y

print( str(x) +  " + " +  str(y) + " is " + str(answer) )

# or use print(x, "+", y, "is", answer)
   Some examples of illegal variable names:
   total Sum


x = 5   # int 5 is assigned to the storage box called x

y = 5.2 # float 5.2 is assigned to the storage box called y

s = "Hello World"      # string "Hello World" is assigned to s
s = 'Hello World'    # string "Hello World" is assigned to str

counter = 100          # An integer assignment
miles   = 1000.0       # A floating point assignment
name    = "John"       # A string assignment

print (counter)
print (miles)
print (name)

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Escape Sequences


Escape sequence Meaning

\\		\ character
\' ' character
\" " character
\n Newline
\t Horizontal tab

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Printing on the Console


print ("Hello World")
print(3 * 2 + 7*3)

a = 1
b = 2
c = a/b
print(a, "/", b, "=", c)
s = str(a) + "/" + str(b) + "=" + str(c)

resultAsString = input("What grade on the test do you want ")
print("Congrats on your " + resultAsString)
NOTE: You can not mix types when using the + operator as a join

resultAsInt = int(input("What grade on the test do you want "))
print("Congrats on your " + resultAsInt)
NOTE: You can not mix types when using the + operator as a join
      So, the second statement would give you an exception (crash)
resultAsInt = int(input("What grade on the test do you want "))
print("Congrats on your " + str(resultAsInt))

result = input("What city do you live in? ")
print("You live in " + result)

resultGrade = int(input("What grade did you get? "))

resultGradeAsString = input("What grade did you get? ")
resultGradeAsInt = int(resultGradeAsString)

song = input("What is your favorite song: ")

band = input("What is your favorite band: ")

name = input("What is your name? ")
age = int(input("What is your age? "))
ageOlder = age+25
print("Hi", name, "! In 25 years you will be", ageOlder, "!")

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num = int(input("Tell me a number: "))
for i in range(num):

range(5) is equivalent to range(0, 5)
range(6,2)—no values

for i in range(6):
	print(i, end=" ") # prints 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

for i in range(2, 6):
	print(i, end=" ") # prints 2, 3, 4, 5

for i in range(2, 7, 2):
	print(i, end=" ") # prints 2, 4, 6

# a common error is to say for d in range(x+1):
# remember that the default start value is 0	
x = 15
for d in range(1,x+1):
    if x % d == 0:
        print(d, "is a factor of", x)

for ch in "Programming is fun!":
	print("the next character is", ch)

s = "Programming is fun!"
length = len(s)
for i in range(length):
	print("The next character is", s[i])

secret = "code"
guess = input("Guess a word: ")
tries = 1
while guess != secret:
	print("You tried to guess", tries, "times")
	guess = input("Guess again: ")
	tries += 1
print("You got it!")

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Creating Functions or Methods


Example 1:

def printEndOfLine( ):
	print (end="")
# call statement
print("Hello World")
printEndOfLine( )

Example 2:

def printStars( ):
	print ("***********************")
# call statement
printStars( )  

Example 3:

def printTitle():
def findSemesterGrade(g1, g2):
    return (g1 + g2)/2

def enterGrade(prompt):
    grade1 = input(prompt)
    return int(grade1) # converts it into an int
# main program
# execution starts here when you run your program

grade1 = enterGrade("Enter your quarter 1 grade: ")

grade2 = enterGrade("Enter your quarter 2 grade: ")


print("Your semester grade is ", findSemesterGrade(grade1, grade2))

Example 4:

def printBlankLines(numLines):
    for line in range(numLines):
def printTitle(title):

def printStars(numStars):
    for star in range(numStars):
        print("*", end="")

def printRowsOfStars(numRows, numStars):
    for row in range(numRows):

def printDashes(numDashes):
    for dash in range(numDashes):
        print("-", end="")

def printRowsOfDashes(numRows, numDashes):
    for row in range(numRows):

# main program
printTitle("Stars and Dashes")

Example 5:

def sqr(x):
    return x * x

# write a cube function

# write a sum function

def min(x,y):
    if x < y:
        return x
    return y
def max(x,y):
    if x > y:
        return x
    return y

print("The square of 5 is",sqr(5))
# print("The cube of 5 is",cube(5))
# print("The sum of 5 and 8 is",sum(5,8))
print("The smallest of 5 and 8 is",min(5,8))
print("The largest of 5 and 8 is",max(5,8))

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Functions with Arguments


Example 1:

def printStr( str ):
	print (str)
# call statement
print("Hello World")

Example 2:

def sqr( number ):
	x = number * number
	return x

# call statement
print( sqr(3))  # prints 9

Example 3:

def modifyList( list, index, value ):
	list[index] = value
# call statement
myList = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5]
modifyList(myList, 5, 8)

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Built in Functions


Built in functions:
abs, divmod, cmp, coerce, float, hex, int, max, min, oct,
pow, round

The math module
from math import *

acos, asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, cosh, e, exp, fabs, floor, fmod,
frexp, hypot, ldexp, log, log10, mod, pi, pow, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan,

NumPy has a lot more at www.scipy.org

Support for Complex Numbers are built in.

Use j for the square root of -1


import cmath

acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, cos, cosh, e, exp, log, log10,
pi, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh.

import cmath

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Lists (Arrays)


NOTE: Strings are really just Lists of characters,
      so all of these commands work with Strings 
	  as well.

Example 1:

fiboList = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13] #slicing: --------- print(fiboList[0]) # prints 1 print(fiboList[1]) # prints 1 print(fiboList[2]) # prints 2 print(fiboList[5]) # prints 8 print(fiboList[6]) # prints 13 print(fiboList[0:7]) # prints [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13] print(fiboList[2:7]) # prints [2, 3, 5, 8, 13] print(fiboList[2:4]) # prints [2, 3] #modifying: ----------- fiboList[0] = 0 fiboList[7] = 21 Methods for a List: ------------------- fiboList.count(1) # returns 2 fiboList.index(1) # returns 0 fiboList.index(2) # returns 2 fiboList.remove(2) # 2 is gone fiboList.insert(2, 2) # 2 is back fiboList.reverse() # it is reversed fiboList.reverse() # original order is back fiboList.sort() # sorts small to large fiboList.append( 89 ) # adds new element to end of list fiboList.pop( ) # removes and returns last element in list fiboList.insert(0, 1) # inserts a new element at position 0 functions: ---------- len(fiboList) # returns 7 max(fiboList) # returns 13 min(fiboList) # returns 1 del fiboList[2] fiboList + [21, 34, 55] # concatenation

Example 2:

vowelList = ["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"] if "a" in vowelList: print ("a is a vowel") # the for loop below prints a e i o u for x in vowelList: print(x, end=" "); # prints [a, e] print (vowelList[0:2])

Example 3:

courseList = ["Computer Science", "Algebra"] # the for loop below prints # Computer Science Algebra for x in courseList: print(x, end=" "); # prints Computer Science print (courseList[0])

Example 4:

print("Arrays or Lists") print() print() # you could enter the numbers from the keyboard # list = [] # for i in range(0,5): # num = int(input("Enter a number: ")) # list.append(num) # OR assign them as a list manually list = [90, 95, 97, 92, 91] print(list[0], end=" ") # end = " " means do not move down to the next line after printing a space print(list[1], end=" ") print(list[2], end=" ") print(list[3], end=" ") print(list[4], end=" ") list[0] = 95 list[3] = 100 print() print("The numbers in list are now: ") for i in range(0,len(list)): print(list[i],end=" ") print() # Let's play a game of find the biggest number in some list # I will show you one number at a time # Here's the first number: # 85 # Let's find the biggest number big = list[0] for i in range(0,len(list)): if list[i] > big: big = list[i] print("The biggest number is ", big)

Example 5:

from operator import attrgetter class Student: # we generally put our class variables or static variables here # these variables are shared by all objects # however, we won't need any for this assignment # We then generally define a constructor # to create and initialize our instance variables (members) def __init__(self, firstName, lastName, q1, q2): self.firstName = firstName # creates instance variable self.firstName self.lastName = lastName # creates instance variable self.lastName self.q1 = q1 self.q2 = q2 self.average = (q1 + q2) / 2 # calculate the semester grade def getFirstNameLastName(self): # return self.firstName + " " + self.lastName return self.firstName + " " + self.lastName # this is NOT inside the class def sortByName(student): return student.firstName # this is NOT inside the class def printStudents(students): # print out each student's full name, q1, q2, and average # use a for each loop for student in students: # student is referring to one student in the list # you can access info in the student's object by using: # student.firstName, student.lastName, # student.q1, student.q2, student.average # you can also called any functions inside the Student class # student.getFirstNameLast() but don't pass it self # so print this student's full name, q1, q2, and average print(student.getFirstNameLastName(), student.q1, student.q2) # this starts the main program students = [] # creates an empty list # creates a Student object and passes to it the info student = Student("Sue", "Jones", 98, 100) # add the Student object to our list students.append(student) # creates a Student object and passes to it the info student = Student("Bob", "Smith", 94, 95) # add the Student object to our list students.append(student) # creates a Student object and passes to it the info student = Student("Alex", "Manning", 94, 95) # add the Student object to our list students.append(student) # now print out the students, their q1 and q2 grade, # and their average print("Original List:") printStudents(students) print() # let's sort them by first name students = sorted(students, key=sortByName) # now print out the students, their q1 and q2 grade, # and their average print("Sorted by firstName field:") printStudents(students) print() students = sorted(students, key=attrgetter('lastName','firstName')) # only works with the import statement from operator import attrgetter # now print out the students, their q1 and q2 grade, # and their average print("Sorted by lastName then firstName field:") printStudents(students)
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Tuples (Immutable Lists)



Tuples are basically immutable Lists.
The parenthesis are optional.  You could
represent a point with a tuple.

Example 1:
fiboList = (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13)

print(fiboList[0])  # prints 1
print(fiboList[1])  # prints 1
print(fiboList[2])  # prints 2
print(fiboList[5])  # prints 8
print(fiboList[6])  # prints 13
print(fiboList[0:7]) # prints [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]

Methods for a Tuple:
	fiboList.count(1)      # returns 2 for # of 1's 
	fiboList.index(1)      # returns 0 index of 1st 1
	fiboList.index(2)      # returns 2 index of 2 is 2

	len(fiboList)     # returns 7
	max(fiboList)     # returns 13
	min(fiboList)     # returns 1
	del fiboList[2]  # error
	fiboList + [21, 34, 55]  # concatenation

Example 2:

vowelList = "a", "e", "i", "o", "u"

if "a" in vowelList:
	print ("a is a vowel")

# the for loop below prints a e i o u
for x in vowelList:
	print(x, end=" ");	

# prints (a, e)
print (vowelList[0:2])

Example 3:

courseList = ("Computer Science", "Algebra")

# the for loop below prints 
# Computer Science Algebra

for x in courseList:
	print(x, end=" ");	

# this prints Computer Science
print (courseList[0])

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A dictionary has key-value pairs.
The keys cannot be changed, but the
values can be changed.
If you reference an item and the key
does not exist, you will get an error.

clear()    # clears all elements from the dictionary
get(key)   # retrieves the element with the given key
keys()     # gives back a list of all the keys
items()    # gives back a list of all the values
pop(key)   # removes and gives back the value for the given key 

len(dictionary)  # gives back the number of elements in the list

del dictionary[key]

Example 1:
dictionary = {'House':'Casa', 'Hi':'Hola', 'You':'Tu'}

len(dictionary)  # returns 3

print(dictionary['House'])  # prints Casa
print(dictionary['Hi'])     # prints Hola
print(dictionary['You'])    # prints Tu

dictionary['You2'] = 'You222' # adds a new key value pair
print(dictionary['You2'])    # prints You222
print(dictionary.get('You2'))    # prints You222

# del dictionary['House']  # removes entry with key 'House'
dictionary.pop('House') # removes entry with key 'House' (it must exist)

# dictionary.clear() # clears the dictionary

dictionary.keys()  # returns a list of all of the keys

dictionary.values()  # returns a list of all of the values

for key in dictionary.keys():
	print(key, dictionary[word])
for word in dictionary.values():

Example 2:
Morse Code

morseCode = {"A" : ".-", "B" : "-...", "C" : "-.-.", "D" : "-.."}

print(morseCode["A"])  // prints .-

print(morseCode["B"])  // prints -...

Example 3:

Roman Numbers

romanNumbers = {"I":1, "II":2, "III":3, "IV":4, "V":5}

print(romanNumbers["I"])  // prints 1

print(romanNumbers["IV"])  // prints 4

Example 3:

Roman Numbers

romanNumbers = {}

romanNumbers["I"] = 1
romanNumbers["II"] = 2
romanNumbers["III"] = 3
romanNumbers["IV"] = 4
romanNumbers["V"] = 5

print(romanNumbers["I"])  // prints 1

print(romanNumbers["IV"])  // prints 4

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Lists 2D (Arrays 2D)


Example 1:

print("Two Dimensional Arrays")

a = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
print(a[0])  # prints row 0 elements [1, 2, 3]
print(a[1])  # prints row 1 elements [4, 5, 6]
print(a[2])  # prints row 2 elements [7, 8, 9]

print(a[0][0])  # prints row 0 col 0 element
print(a[0][1])  # prints row 0 col 1 element
print(a[0][2])  # prints row 0 col 2 element

for r in range(len(a)):
	for c in range(len(a[r])):
		print(a[r][c], end=' ') # stay on row
	print() # move to next row


# Another way (for each loop)
for row in a:
    for element in row:
        print(element, end=' ') # stay on row
    print() # move to next row


Example 2:

n = 3
m = 4
a = []
for i in range(n):
    a.append([0] * m)

# the first line of input is the number of rows of the array
n = int(input()) 
a = []
for i in range(n):
    row = input().split()
    for i in range(len(row)):
        row[i] = int(row[i])

Example 3:

# defines a 2 dimensional array with 3 rows (each row is a 1 dimensional array)
matrix = [ [1,2,3 ], [4,5,6], [7,8,9] ]
print("Printing the entire matrix.")

# prints out the first row elements
# the hard way
print("Printing the first row the hard way.")
print(matrix[0][0], end=" ")  
print(matrix[0][1], end=" ")
print(matrix[0][2], end=" ")

# prints out each row 1 at a time
# the hard way
print("Printing all rows the hard way.")
print("The 0 row is an array: ",matrix[0])
print("The 1 row is an array: ",matrix[1])
print("The 2 row is an array: ",matrix[2])

# prints out each row in a loop
print("Printing out each row using an indexed loop.")
for row in range(0, len(matrix)):
    print("The", row, "row is an array: ",matrix[0])   
# for each loop
print("Printing out each row using a for each loop.")
row = 0
for array in matrix:
    print("The", row, "row is an array: ", array)
    row = row + 1

# OR print("%3d " % matrix[0][0], end=" ") 
# The %3d is a placeholder for a number
# The 3 means to use 3 print positions for the number
# So, if the number is 9, it prints space space 9
# if the number is 27, it prints space 27
# if the number is 100, it prints 100

# How could I print out the 2nd row?

# Is there a better way to print out a row?
print("Printing out row 0 formatted with a loop.")
for col in range(0,3):
    print("%3d " % matrix[0][col],  end = "")

# Let's make it a function

def printRow(array):
    for col in range(0,len(array)):
        print("%3d " % array[col],  end = "")

print("Printing out row 0 by calling a function.")    

# Let's print the entire matrix in matrix format
print("Printing out each row formatted using a for indexed loop.")
for row in range(0, len(matrix)):


Back to the Top




// Declaration of a class
// A class is a template that we can use
// at runtime to build a box in RAM memory that can
// hold information about 1 Student (or 1 Person, or 1 grocery item, ...)
// THIS BOX (or boxes) that we build at runtime to hold our information is
// called an object.
// ANOTHER WAY TO THINK OF A CLASS object is to think of it as a
// container (a box, a sack, a house, a mailbox, ...)

// THINK about building a house (or anything).
// We need a blue print!
// We can store information (with variables)
// and we can store functions to allow us to
// access the data and/or modify the data, or
// do stuff with our data.

// 1 Student Object
// We can create the object using the command or instruction:
// student = Student("Tom", "Baker", "tb78654", 90)
// If we have a variable called student that
// refers to this object in RAM memory, we
// use commands or instructions like:
// student.firstName
// student.lastName
// student.grade
// This command or instruction would create room in RAM memory that
// could hold our information.  It will run our init function after
// reserving room in the RAM that will put the info in the object
// for us.
// The variable named student would actually hold the memory address of where
// the object was created in RAM memory, and thus we say that it refers to
// (or points to) the object.  RAM memory is byte addressable.
// We have byte 0, byte 1, byte 2, ... byte 78456, byte 78455, ...
// The OS determines where our object will be stored in RAM memory.
// The OS keeps a map of all used memory.
// So, maybe we would get a location starting at byte 78456,
// and thus student would hold that number for us.

// student
// ============
// |  78456   |
// ============

// student would refer to this object stored at
// memory location 78456

// Location 78456
// =====================================
// |   firstName                       |
// |   =============================   |
// |   | "Tom"                     |   |
// |   =============================   |
// |                                   |
// |   lastName                        |
// |   =============================   |
// |   | "Baker"                   |   |
// |   =============================   |
// |                                   |
// |   id                          |   |
// |   =============================   |
// |   | tb78654                   |   |
// |   =============================   |
// |                                   |
// |   grade                       |   |
// |   =============================   |
// |   | 90                        |   |
// |   =============================   |
// |                                   |
// |   __init__                        |
// |   =============================   |
// |   | code goes here            |   |
// |   | code goes here            |   |
// |   | code goes here            |   |
// |   | code goes here            |   |
// |   | code goes here            |   |
// |   =============================   |
// |                                   |
// |   More functions ...              |
// |                                   |
// =====================================

Example 1:

# A class is sometimes referred to as record.
# A class is a container.  It holds information
# and can have functions.

# So, think of a big box with smaller boxes inside
# to hold the data, and other boxes to hold the 
# computer instructions.

# A variable really just refers to a box that holds
# information. (integers, floats, strings, and even
# objects.

# A function really just refers to a box that holds
# computer instructions.

# A class is like a template that tells the computer
# how to create an object with this information inside
# of it.

class Student:
	# constructor to initialize instance variables
	# The parameter variables that receive the incoming data
	# are called firstName, lastName, id, and grade.  These 
	# are temporary variables.  They receive the data from the
	# call statement, you then assign those values to the 
	# corresponding instance variables.  The parameter variables
	# are then destroyed at the end of function.
	def __init__(self, firstName, lastName, id, grade):
		# Instance variables are created and assigned a value.
		# Instance variables are also known as attributes.
		# properties, fields, and are permanently storing
		# the data for us.

	    # creates self.firstName instance variable and assigns it the value
	    # of the parameter variable firstName
		self.firstName = firstName
		self.lastName = lastName
		self.id = id
		self.grade = grade
	def getFirstName(self):
		return self.firstName
	def getLastName(self):
		return self.lastName

	def getName(self):
		return self.firstName + " " + self.lastName
	def getGrade(self):
		return self.grade

	def setGrade(self, grade):
		self.grade = grade
    # END OF Student class
# This creates a Student object which will contain the data
# that we send to it.  The variable student1 will hold the 
# memory address of where in RAM memory the object was placed.    
student1 = Student("Tom", "Baker", "76788", 95)

# This creates another Student object but with different data.
student2 = Student("Sue", "Smart", "66549", 100)
print("Student 1 is " + student1.getName())
print("The first name is " + student1.firstName); # OR call a method
print("The last name is " + student1.lastName);   # OR call a method

print("Student 2 is " + student2.getName())
print("The first name is " + student2.firstName);
print("The last name is " + student2.lastName);

# create an empty array
studentList = []

# append a Student object to the list

# append a Student object to the list

# now print out the students
# using a for each loop
for student in studentList:
        print("%-15s  %4d" % (student.getName(), student.getGrade()), sep="")

# now print out the students using the
# studentList reference and indexing
for i in range(len(studentList)):
        print("%-15s  %4d" % (studentList[i].getName(), studentList[i].getGrade()), sep="")

Example 2:

// 1 Student Object
// We can create the object using the command or instruction:
// point = Point(2, 5)
// If we have a variable called point that
// refers to this object in RAM memory, we
// use commands or instructions like:
// point.x
// point.y

// point
// ============
// |  78456   |
// ============

// point would refer to this object stored at
// memory location 78456

// Location 78456
// =====================================
// |   x                               |
// |   =============================   |
// |   | 2                         |   |
// |   =============================   |
// |                                   |
// |   y                               |
// |   =============================   |
// |   | 5                         |   |
// |   =============================   |
// |                                   |
// |                                   |
// |   __init__                        |
// |   =============================   |
// |   | code goes here            |   |
// |   | code goes here            |   |
// |   | code goes here            |   |
// |   | code goes here            |   |
// |   | code goes here            |   |
// |   =============================   |
// |                                   |
// |   More functions ...              |
// |                                   |
// =====================================

class Point:

	def __init__(self, x, y):
	    # creates self.x instance variable and assigns it the value
	    # of the parameter variable x
		self.x = x

	    # creates self.y instance variable and assigns it the value
	    # of the parameter variable y
		self.y = y
	def getX(self):
		return self.x
	def getY(self):
		return self.y
	def getPoint(self):
	    return "(" + str(self.x) + ", " + str(self.y) + ")"

class Line:
	def __init__(self, p1, p2):
		self.p1 = p1
		self.p2 = p2
	def getSlope(self):
		if self.p1.getX() == self.p2.getX():
			return "Undefined"
		return  (self.p1.getY() - self.p2.getY()) / (self.p1.getX() - self.p2.getX())

point1 = Point(3, 5) # creates the object and puts 3 and 5 inside it
print(point1.x)  # prints 3  OR point1.getX()
print(point1.y)  # prints 5  OR point1.getY()

point2 = Point(6, 7)
print(point2.x)  # prints 6  OR point2.getX()
print(point2.y)  # prints 7  OR point2.getY()

print(point1.getPoint())  # prints (3, 5)
print(point2.getPoint())  # prints (6, 7)

line1 = Line(point1, point2)
print(line1.getSlope())   # prints  0.66666666666

What other classes might be helpful to us?????

Back to the Top


Reading from the Console


firstName = input(" First Name: ")
lastName  = input(" Last Name: ")
age = int(input("Age: "))

x = int(input("Enter a first number: "))
y = int(input("Enter a second number: "))

var1, var2 = input("enter two numbers (separate with a space):").split()

var = input("enter two numbers (separate with a space or a comma):")
var = var.strip()            # strip off leading and trailing white space
var = var.replace(",", " ")  # replace any comma with a space
var = var.replace("   "," ") # replace 3 spaces with a single space
var = var.replace("  "," ")  # replace 2 spaces with a single space
var1, var2 = var.split()     # now split at the space

NOTE: raw_input("Enter your name: ")
      does NOT exist in Python 3

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if else statements


Sample 1:
x = 8
y = 12
if x > y:
    print(x, "is bigger than",y)

Sample 2:
x = 8
y = 12
if x > y:
    print(x, "is bigger than",y)
    print(y, "is bigger than",x)
Sample 3:
x = 8
y = 12
if x > y:
    print(x, "is bigger than",y)
elif y > x:
    print(y, "is bigger than",x)
    print(y, "is the equal to",x)
Sample 4:
temp = 75
if temp >= 90:
    print("It is", temp, "degrees outside.  It is so hot!")
    print("I really hate this weather unless I am at the pool!")
elif temp >= 80:
    print("It is", temp, "degrees outside.  It is a little warm!")
elif temp >= 65:
    print("It is", temp, "degrees outside.  It is a great day!")
    print("I really love this weather!")
elif temp >= 40:
    print("It is", temp, "degrees outside.  It is a little cool out there!")
    print("I am not very fond of cool weather!")
    print("It is", temp, "degrees outside.  It is very cold out there!")
    print("I really hate this weather!")

Other Sample Programs:

x = int(input("Enter a first number: "))
y = int(input("Enter a second number: "))
if x > 0:
	print("Your number is positive.")
if x < 0:
	print("Your number is negative.")
if x == 0:
	print("Your number is zero.")

if x < 0 and y < 0:
	print("both negative")

if type(x) != int or type(y) != int:
	print("You did not enter integers")
elif x > 0 and y > 0:
	print("both numbers are positive")
elif x < 0 and y < 0:
	print("both numbers are negative")
	print("numbers have opposite sign")

Back to the Top




"Hello World"  # this is a string using ""

'Hello World'  # this is a string using ''


s = "Hello World"

len(s)                # returns 11  

String methods:

s = "Hello World"

x = s.find("lo")      # returns 3

x = s.find("Lo")      # returns -1

b = s.isdigit()       # returns true  or false

b = s.isnumeric()     # returns true or false

s = s.lower()         # returns all lower case

s = s.upper()         # returns all upper case

s = s.strip()         # strips white space 

s2 = s[2:5]           # returns "llo"

s2 = s[6:]            # returns "World"

str = "12 17 5"       # the default is to separate with spaces
print (str.split( ))  # prints ['12', '17', '5']

str = "12,17,5"       # here we separate with commas
print (str.split(',',1)) # prints ['12', '17', '5']

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Reading from and Writing to files


Example 1:

# Open a file
fo = open("foo.txt", "w")
fo.write( "Python is a great language.\nYeah its great!!\n")

# Close opend file

Example 2:

# Open a file
fo = open("foo.txt", "r")

str = fo.read()
print ("Read String is : ", str)

# Close opened file

Example 3:

# Open a file
fo = open("foo.txt", "r")
for line in fo:
    print(line, end='\n')
# Close opened file

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Creating Objects


Example 1:

class Employee:
   # 'Common base class for all employees'
   # This is sometimes called a class variable because it
   # belongs to the entire group of objects of this class type.
   # It is also known as a static variable.
   empCount = 0

   def __init__(self, name, salary):
      self.name = name
      self.salary = salary
      Employee.empCount += 1
   def displayCount(self):
     # The %d sign is used as a placeholder
     # It will be replaced by the value of Employee.empCount
     # The d indicates the type of data (an integer)
     print ("Total Employee %d" % Employee.empCount)

   def displayEmployee(self):
      print ("Name : ", self.name,  ", Salary: ", self.salary)

#This would create first object of Employee class
emp1 = Employee("Zara", 2000)

#This would create second object of Employee class
emp2 = Employee("Manni", 5000)


print ("Total Employees %d" % Employee.empCount)

Example 2:

class JustCounter:
   __secretCount = 0  # class variable (only 1 variable shared)
   def count(self):
      self.__secretCount += 1
      print (self.__secretCount)

counter = JustCounter()
print (counter.__secretCount)

Example 3:

class Parent:        # define parent class
   parentAttr = 100
   def __init__(self):
      print ("Calling parent constructor")

   def parentMethod(self):
      print ('Calling parent method')

   def setAttr(self, attr):
      Parent.parentAttr = attr

   def getAttr(self):
      print ("Parent attribute :", Parent.parentAttr)

class Child(Parent): # define child class
   def __init__(self):
      print ("Calling child constructor")

   def childMethod(self):
      print ('Calling child method')

c = Child()          # instance of child
c.childMethod()      # child calls its method
c.parentMethod()     # calls parent's method
c.setAttr(200)       # again call parent's method
c.getAttr()          # again call parent's method

Example 4:

class Parent:        # define parent class
   def myMethod(self):
      print ('Calling parent method')

class Child(Parent): # define child class
   def myMethod(self):
      print ('Calling child method')

c = Child()          # instance of child
c.myMethod()         # child calls overridden method

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Simple Programs-Reading from the Console


resultGrade = int(input("What grade did you get? "))

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A Simple Program

A Simple Program

A Simple Program

A Simple Program




import pygame, sys
from pygame.locals import *

# Set up pygame.

# Set up the window.
windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode((500, 400), 0, 32)
pygame.display.set_caption('Hello world!')

# Set up the colors.
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)

# Set up fonts.
basicFont = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 48)

# Set up the text.
text = basicFont.render('Hello world!', True, WHITE, BLUE)
textRect = text.get_rect()
textRect.centerx = windowSurface.get_rect().centerx
textRect.centery = windowSurface.get_rect().centery

# Draw the white background onto the surface.

# Draw a green polygon onto the surface.
pygame.draw.polygon(windowSurface, GREEN, ((146, 0), (291, 106), (236, 277), (56, 277), (0, 106)))

# Draw some blue lines onto the surface.
pygame.draw.line(windowSurface, BLUE, (60, 60), (120, 60), 4)
pygame.draw.line(windowSurface, BLUE, (120, 60), (60, 120))
pygame.draw.line(windowSurface, BLUE, (60, 120), (120, 120), 4)

# draw a blue circle onto the surface.
pygame.draw.circle(windowSurface, BLUE, (300, 50), 20, 0)

# Draw a red ellipse onto the surface.
pygame.draw.ellipse(windowSurface, RED, (300, 250, 40, 80), 1)

# Draw the text's background rectangle onto the surface.
pygame.draw.rect(windowSurface, RED, (textRect.left - 20, textRect.top - 20, textRect.width + 40, textRect.height + 40))

# Get a pixel array of the surface.
pixArray = pygame.PixelArray(windowSurface)
pixArray[480][380] = BLACK
del pixArray

# Draw the text onto the surface.
windowSurface.blit(text, textRect)

# Draw the window onto the screen.

# Run the game loop.
while True:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == QUIT:

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Here is another sample pygame program:

import pygame, random, sys from pygame.locals import * WINDOWWIDTH = 600 WINDOWHEIGHT = 600 TEXTCOLOR = (0, 0, 0) BACKGROUNDCOLOR = (255, 255, 255) FPS = 60 PLAYERMOVERATE = 5 playerX = WINDOWWIDTH/2 playerY = WINDOWHEIGHT/2 moveLeft = False moveRight = False moveUp = False moveDown = False # quit the program def terminate(): pygame.quit() sys.exit() # wait on welcome screen def waitForPlayerToPressKey(): while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminate() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: terminate() return def setMoveToAllFalse(): global moveLeft global moveRight global moveUp global moveDown moveLeft = moveRight = moveUp = moveDown = False return def drawText( text, font, surface, x, y): textobj = font.render( text, 1, TEXTCOLOR) textrect = textobj.get_rect() textrect.topleft = (x, y) surface.blit( textobj, textrect) pygame.init() mainClock = pygame.time.Clock() # windowSurface represents the monitor # you can also add , pygame.FULLSCREEN) # but reset playerX and playerY windowSurface = pygame.display.set_mode(( WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption(' Your Title ') pygame.mouse.set_visible( False) font = pygame.font.SysFont( None, 48) # gameOverSound = pygame.mixer.Sound('gameover.wav') # play background music # pygame.mixer.music.load('background.mid') # load the player's image playerImage = pygame.image.load('android.png') playerRect = playerImage.get_rect() # Show the "Start" screen windowSurface.fill( BACKGROUNDCOLOR) drawText(' My Game ', font, windowSurface, (WINDOWWIDTH / 3), (WINDOWHEIGHT / 3)) drawText(' Press a key to start. ', font, windowSurface, (WINDOWWIDTH / 3), (WINDOWHEIGHT / 2)) pygame.display.update() # draw the screen on the monitor waitForPlayerToPressKey() # wait for a key press while True: # Set up the start of the game. score = 0 playerRect.topleft = (playerX, playerY) setMoveToAllFalse() # play the background music # pygame.mixer.music.play(-1, 0.0) finished = False; while not finished: # The game loop runs while the game part is playing. score += 1 # moveLeft = moveRight = moveUp = moveDown = False # setMoveToAllFalse() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: terminate() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_a: setMoveToAllFalse() moveLeft = True if event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == K_d: setMoveToAllFalse() moveRight = True if event.key == K_UP or event.key == K_w: setMoveToAllFalse() moveUp = True if event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == K_s: setMoveToAllFalse() moveDown = True if event.key == K_ESCAPE: finished = True #if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: # playerRect.centerx = event.pos[0] # playerRect.centery = event.pos[1] # Move the player around if moveLeft and playerRect.left > 0: playerX = playerX - 5 playerRect.topleft = (playerX, playerY) if moveRight and playerRect.right < WINDOWWIDTH: playerX = playerX + 5 playerRect.topleft = (playerX, playerY) if moveUp and playerRect.top > 0: playerY = playerY - 5 playerRect.topleft = (playerX, playerY) if moveDown and playerRect.bottom < WINDOWHEIGHT: playerY = playerY + 5 playerRect.topleft = (playerX, playerY) # Draw the game world on the window. windowSurface.fill( BACKGROUNDCOLOR) # Draw the score. drawText(' Score: %s' % (score), font, windowSurface, 10, 0) # Draw the player's rectangle. windowSurface.blit( playerImage, playerRect) # update the monitor pygame.display.update() mainClock.tick(FPS) if score >= 2000: break # Stop the game and show the "Game Over" screen. # pygame.mixer.music.stop() # gameOverSound.play() drawText(' GAME OVER', font, windowSurface, (WINDOWWIDTH / 3), (WINDOWHEIGHT / 3)) drawText(' Press a key to play again.', font, windowSurface, (WINDOWWIDTH / 3) - 80, (WINDOWHEIGHT / 3) + 50) pygame.display.update() waitForPlayerToPressKey() # gameOverSound.stop() Other commands: BLACK = (0, 0, 0) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) RED = (255, 0, 0) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 255) windowSurface.fill( WHITE) pygame.draw.line( windowSurface, BLUE, (60, 60), (120, 60), 4) pygame.draw.circle( windowSurface, BLUE, (300, 50), 20, 0) pygame.draw.ellipse( windowSurface, RED, (300, 250, 40, 80), 1) pygame.draw.rect( windowSurface, RED, (20, 20, 40, 40)) pygame.draw.polygon( windowSurface, GREEN, (( 146, 0), (291, 106), (236, 277), (56, 277), (0, 106))) pixArray = pygame.PixelArray( windowSurface) pixArray[480][380] = BLACK del pixArray # update the monitor pygame.display.update()
Back to the Top


Other Labs


Quad Form

Area of a Rectangle

Volume of a Sphere

Roman Numerals


Student Grades
(average, standard deviation, semester grades, ...)



Encrypt Data

Magic Squares

Matrix Battle:


Tax Table

Back to the Top

https://www.python.org/downloads/ http://invpy.com/book Do we need to download it? python3 -m pip install pygame python3 -m pygame.examples.aliens Then add to your program at the beginning: import pygame pygame.init() GUI programming is not standard in python https://opensource.com/life/16/5/open-source-python-gui-frameworks http://www.datadependence.com/2016/04/how-to-build-gui-in-python-3/ https://docs.python.org/3/library/othergui.html https://www.python.org/downloads/ http://invpy.com/book python3 -m pip install pygame python3 -m pygame.examples.aliens Then add to your program at the beginning: import pygame pygame.init() GUI programming is not standard in python https://opensource.com/life/16/5/open-source-python-gui-frameworks http://www.datadependence.com/2016/04/how-to-build-gui-in-python-3/ https://docs.python.org/3/library/othergui.html Online IDE's for Python: https://www.onlinegdb.com/edit/SyIjHpHhI https://www.jdoodle.com/python3-programming-online/
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Importance of Computers and Intro to Python


Importance of Software and Python

Software or computer programs are what makes a computer do stuff. Without software, a computer is nothing but a big paper weight. It takes both hardware and software (computer programs, apps, code, ...). There are millions of lines of computer code (instructions, commands) in a computer, phone, car, automation lines, robots, planes, trains, etc. Software is everywhere!!! Businesses use it to keep track of products, employees, etc. Schools use it to keep track of student information, grades, etc. as well as to keep track of employees, pay, purchasing, etc. Every company uses computers and lots of software to run their operations, including schools, etc. Software is a big mystery to a lot of people! And it has caused a lot of problems in industry, education, etc. I have been told several times that I was fired by assistant principals and company execs because they did not understand software (I luckily never got fired). I read once a few years ago that more companies have gone bankrupt because of poor decisions about software (including a company that I used to work for). Why Python? Python was ranked as the number 1 software skill that companies wanted in 2020. It is used by many companies including Google, Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, Dropbox, Spotify, Reddit, Quora, Youtube, Qualcomm, Bank of America, Uber, etc. It is used in web development, IT departments, general software, and is used by a lot of hackers. Python also has a lot of libraries (a lot of computer code in files that are ready for us to use). Python is relatively easy to learn because of the simple syntax and automatic typing of variables.

Hardware and Software (Working together)


????????? This component is responsible for carrying out our instructions (commands).

RAM Memory

????????? This is very fast memory that is used to store the OS instructions, all program data, and every program's code that is open. The OS is loaded when the computer is first started (turned on). We call this booting the computer. When you open an application, it is loaded (copied) from external storage into the RAM memory along with the data. When you terminate a program, the program instructions and data are erased from the RAM memory. When you shut down (turn off) your computer, all of the programs and data in RAM memory are gone. It is like turning off a light.

ROM Memory

????????? This memory is what starts your computer system when you turn it on (boot it). It contains the basic start up commands to allow you to set which drive is the bootable drive, the boot order, the start up commands to load the operating system into RAM memory, and more.

Mother Board

This hardware is used to connect the CPU, RAM memory, drives, ports, etc.

External Storage

Hard Drive (ssd drives, flash drives, etc.) These devices permanently hold your programs and data, and if bootable, holds the OS as well.


Computer programs (apps) including the OS.

Operating System (OS) (Windows, Mac OS, Linux, ...)

This is the program that is in total control of the machine. It displays the desktop or command line, and allows you to copy files, delete files, organize files (like in folders, etc.), etc.

What is a computer program? (application)

A computer program is a sequence of instructions (commands, statements) for a computer to follow.

What is a computer programming language?

A computer language contains high level commands to allow you to communicate with the CPU.

Can you name some computer langages?

C, C++, ?????????

Compilers vs. Interpreted languages

Many languages need to be compiled or translated into machine code before you can run (execute) them. (C, C++, Pascal, Java, Swift, etc.) Interpreted languages are converted to machine code as they run. Interpreted languages are generally slightly slower (less efficient) than compiled code. (Python) Think about how you might talk to a French person if you did not speak any French.

What is an IDE?

An IDE is an ?????????. It contains an editor for typing in our code (instructions, commands), a button or menu item to run our program, and other utilities. IDLE, JDoodle for Python, Eclipse are examples of some IDE's.

What is an algorithm?

An algorithm is a step by step set of ????????? to someone or some thing to carry out a task.

What does it mean to execute or run a program?

It means to carry out the instructions in your program.

What is a variable?

A variable refers to a place in RAM memory where you can store information (numbers, strings of characters, etc.) Think of box that holds data. Variables have names so that us humans can refer to them. Variable names should be descriptive of what kind of information they refer to. Names must start with a letter of the alphabet. After that you can have more letters or numbers or the underscore(_) character. However, you can not have a space character or any other special characters in your name. We should always user lower case letters, except on word boundaries for long names. Variables can not be key words of the programming language. Also, names are case sensitive. So, X and x are actually different names. Some examples of variable names: x y answer b num totalSum firstName schoolID answer x y firstName schoolID -------- -------- -------- --------------- ----------- | 12 | | 7 | | 5 | | Bill | | BA76234 | -------- -------- -------- --------------- -----------

A simple Python set of instructions (commands):

print("Python Sample Program") print() x = 7 y = 5 answer = x + y print(answer)

Another simple Python set of instructions (commands):

# The # tells the interpreter to ignore the line print("Python Sample Program 2") print() x = int(input("Enter the value for x: ")) y = int(input("Enter the value for y: ")) answer = x + y print(x, "+", y, "is", answer)

Another simple Python set of instructions (commands):

print("Python Sample Program 2") print() firstName = input("Enter your first name: ") print() print("Your first name is " + firstName)

Some examples of illegal variable names:

total Sum num@ sum!
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Programming Assignments


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############################################################################ Your Name and Favorites (print) ############################################################################ Program #0A - Write a program that prints out your name and: My favorite color is ???. My favorite song is ???. My favorite tv program is ???. My favorite food is ???. Remember, a computer runs or executes our commands (instructions) in the order that we specify. A # is a user comment. Whatever follows this on the line will be ingnored. You will be using the print instruction (command). Example: print("I love music") Sample Output: My name is John Smith. My favorite color is red. My favorite song is Fun, Fun, Fun. My favorite tv program is Star Trek. My favorite food is turkey. Type in your commands, and then click on Run button. A step by step outline is shown below. OUTLINE: # print out "My name is ???? ?????" ?????? # print out a blank line ?????? # print out "My favorite color is ???." ?????? # print out "My favorite song is ???." ?????? # print out "My favorite tv program is ???." ?????? # print out "My favorite food is ???." ?????? ############################################################################ Your Name and Favorites (print) ############################################################################ Program #0B - Write a program that prints out some math expressions: Remember, a computer runs or executes our commands (instructions) in the order that we specify. You will be using the print instruction (command). Type in the following code or make up some on your own: print("My name is John Smith.") print("2 + 8 - 5") print(2 + 8 - 5) print() print("2 * 8 - 5") print(2 * 8 - 5) print() print("2 * 8 / 4") print(2 * 8 / 4) print() Sample Output: My name is John Smith. 2 + 8 - 5 5 2 * 8 - 5 11 2 * 8 / 4 4 Type in your commands, and then click on Run button. A step by step outline is shown below. OUTLINE: # print out "My name is ???? ?????." ?????? print("2 + 8 - 5") print(2 + 8 - 5) print() # type in at least 2 more expressions ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ############################################################################ Welcome (Read from the keyboard or stdin, print, String concatenation (+) ############################################################################ Program #1 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter their first name. Print out Welcome first name! (use the + operator to join strings) The command or instruction to let the user enter information is: firstName = input("Enter your first name: ") firstName is a variable name that I made up. Variables can hold data (Strings, numbers, etc.) When you make up a variable name to hold data, you must start with a letter of the alphabet, followed by more letters and/or digits (no spaces or special characters). Sample Output: Welcome Enter your first name: (user enters a name like maybe Tom) Welcome Tom! Type in your commands, and then click on the Run button. A step by step outline is shown below. OUTLINE: print("Welcome") print() # prints out a blank line print() # prints out a blank line # Stops and waits for the user to enter data and press return (or enter) # the variable firstName will receive what the user typed in firstName = input("Enter your first name: ") # now print out a blank line ???????? # now print out "Welcome firstName!" # the + operator joins together strings and string variables print("Welcome " + firstName + "!") ############################################################################ Welcome (Read from the keyboard or stdin, print, String concatenation (+) ############################################################################ Program #2 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter their first name. Then prompt the user to enter their last name. Print out Welcome, first name space last name Sample Output: Welcome Enter your first name: (user enters first name like maybe Tom) Enter your last name: (user enters last name like maybe Baker) Welcome, Tom Baker! Type in your commands, and then click on the Run button. A step by step outline is shown below. OUTLINE: print("Welcome") print() # prints out a blank line print() # prints out a blank line # Stops and waits for the user to enter the first name # and then press return (or enter) # the variable firstName will receive what the user typed in firstName = input("Enter your first name: ") # Stop and wait for the user to enter the last name # and then press return (or enter) # the variable lastName will receive what the user types in lastName = ????????? # now print out a blank line ???????? # now print out "Welcome firstName lastName!" # the + operator joins together strings and string variables ?????("Welcome " + firstName + " " + lastName + "!") ############################################################################ Area of a Rectangle (Read from the keyboard or stdin (input), print(), math operations) ############################################################################ Program #3 - Write a program that prompts the user for the length and width of a rectangle, calculates the area, and prints out: The area of the rectangle is ??? Sample Output: Area of a Rectangle Enter the length of a rectangle: (user enters maybe 8) Enter the width of a rectangle: (user enters maybe 5) The area is 40 square units. OUTLINE # We print the title and two blank lines print("????") ?????? ?????? # ask the user to enter the length # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math length = float(input("????? ")) # ask the user to enter the width # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math width = float(input("?????? ")) # we will calculate the area area = ????? * ????? # Next we print a blank line ????? # Note that we will need to convert the value of # the variable area into a string using the str function print("The area is " + str(area) + " square units.") # print a blank line ????? ############################################################################ Area of a Circle (Read from the keyboard (input), print(), math operations) ############################################################################ Program #4 - Write a program that prompts the user for the radius of a circle, calculate the area, and then print out: The area of the circle is ???.???? square units. Use math.pi for pi. NOTE: Add: import math at the top of your program and say math.pi Or use: from math import * (and just say pi) Sample Output: Area of a Circle Enter the radius of a circle: (user enters maybe 5) The area of the circle is 78.53975 square units. OUTLINE import math # We print the title and two blank lines print("????") ?????? ?????? # ask the user to enter the radius # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math radius = float(input("????? ")) # we will calculate the area # math.pi * ???? * ????? area = ????? * ????? * ????? # Next we print a blank line ????? # Note that we will need to convert the value of # the variable area into a string using the str function print("The area is " + str(area) + " square units.") # print a blank line ????? ############################################################################ Celsius to Fahrenheit (Read from the keyboard(input), print(), math operations) ############################################################################ Program #5 - Write a program that prompts the user for the Fahrenheit temperature, calculate the Celsius temperature and then print out: (celsius = 5/9 * (fahrenheit - 32) The Celsius temperature is ???.???? degrees. Sample Output: Fahrenheit to Celsius Enter the Fahrenheit temperature: (user enters maybe 70) The Celsius temperature is ???.???? degrees. (70 degrees Fahrenheit is about 21.1111111111111 degrees in Celsius) OUTLINE # We print the title and two blank lines print("????") ?????? ?????? # ask the user to enter the Fahrenheit temperature # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math fahrenheit = float(input("????? ")) # we will calculate the Celsius temperature # 5/9 * (fahrenheit - 32) celsius = ????? # Next we print a blank line ????? # Note that we will need to convert the value of # the variable celsius into a string using the str function print("The Celsius temperature is " + str(?????) + " degrees.") # print a blank line ????? ############################################################################ Surface Area of a Cube (Read from the keyboard(input), print(), math operations) ############################################################################ Program #6 - Write a program that prompts the user for the length of a side for a cube, calculate the surface area (6*side*side), and then print out: The surface area of the cube is ???.???? square units. You can use the double type or an integer type for your variables. Sample Output: Surface Area of a Cube Enter the length of one side: (user enters maybe 4) The surface area is ???.???? square units (if one side is 5, the surface area is 150.0 square units) OUTLINE # We print the title and two blank lines print("????") ?????? ?????? # ask the user to enter the length of one side # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math side = float(input("????? ")) # we will calculate the surface area surfaceArea = ????? # Next we print a blank line ????? # Note that we will need to convert the value of # the variable surfaceArea into a string using the str function print("The surface area is " + str(?????) + " square units.") # print a blank line ????? ############################################################################ Batting Average (Read from the keyboard(input), print(), math operations) ############################################################################ Program #7A - Write a program that prompts the user for the number of hits, the number of at bats, and the number of walks. You can call your variables hits, atBats, and walks. Find the batting average and the on base average: battingAvg = hits/atBats onBaseAvg = (hits + walks) / (atBats + walks) Sample Output: Batting Average Enter the number of hits: (user enters maybe 2) Enter the number of at bats: (user enters maybe 8) Enter the number of walks: (user enters maybe 2) The user's batting average is .250 The user's on base average is .400 OUTLINE # We print the title and two blank lines print("????") ?????? ?????? # ask the user to enter the number of hits # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math hits = int(input("????? ")) # ask the user to enter the number of at bats # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math atBats = int(input("????? ")) # ask the user to enter the number of walks # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math walks = int(input("????? ")) # we will calculate the batting average battingAvg = ????? # we will calculate the on base average onBaseAvg = ????? # Next we print a blank line ????? # print out The user's batting average is ??? ???????? # print out The user's on base average is ??? ???????? # print a blank line ????? ############################################################################ Throwing Percentage (Read from the keyboard(input), print(), math operations) #### (also called passing percentage) ############################################################################ Throwing Percentage #7B - Write a program that prompts the user for the number of passes completed and the number of passes thrown. You can call your variables passesCompleted and passesAttempted. Find the throwing percentage: throwingPCT = passesCompleted/passesAttempted Sample Output: Throwing Percentage Enter the number of passes completed: (user enters maybe 4) Enter the number of passes thrown: (user enters maybe 8) The throwing percentage is .500 OUTLINE # We print the title and two blank lines print("????") ?????? ?????? # ask the user to enter the number of passes completed # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math passesCompleted = int(input("????? ")) # ask the user to enter the number of passes attempted # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math passesAttempted = int(input("????? ")) # we will calculate the throwingPCT throwingPCT = ????? # Next we print a blank line ????? # print out The throwing percentage is ??? ???????? # print a blank line ????? ############################################################################ Winning Percentage (Read from the keyboard(input), print(), math operations) ############################################################################ Winning Percentage #7C - Write a program that prompts the user for the number of wins and the number of losses. You can call your variables wins and losses. winningPCT = wins/(wins + losses) Find the winning percentage: Sample Output: Winning Percentage Enter the number of wins: (user enters maybe 3) Enter the number of losses: (user enters maybe 7) The winning percentage is .300 OUTLINE # We print the title and two blank lines print("????") ?????? ?????? # ask the user to enter the number of wins # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math wins = ????? # ask the user to enter the number of losses # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math losses = ??????? # we will calculate the winning percentage winningPCT = ????? # Next we print a blank line ????? # print out The winning percentage is ???? ???????? # print a blank line ????? ############################################################################ Slope of a Line (Read from the keyboard(input), print(), math operations, if else) ############################################################################ Program #7D - Write a program that prompts the user for two points (2D). You can call your variables x1,y1 and x2,y2. Find the slope of the line, and then print out: The slope of the line is ???.???? slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) Sample Output: The Slope of a Line Enter the value for x1: (user enters maybe 1) Enter the value for y1: (user enters maybe 1) Enter the value for x2: (user enters maybe 2) Enter the value for y2: (user enters maybe 2) The slope of the line is ???.???? (The slope for (1,1) and (2,2) is 1.0) OUTLINE # We print the title and two blank lines print("????") ?????? ?????? # ask the user to enter the value for x1 # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math x1 = int(input("????? ")) # ask the user to enter the value for y1 # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math y1 = ????? # ask the user to enter the value for x2 # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math x2 = ????? # ask the user to enter the value for y2 # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math y2 = ????? # print out a blank line ??????? # we will calculate the slope # if the x values are the same, you have a vertical line and # you should print out "The slope is undefined." # otherwise you should print out "The slope is xxx." where # xxx is the value of your slope variable. if x1 == x2: slope = ????? print(????????) else: slope = ????? print(??????) # Next we print a blank line ????? # print Goodbye! ????? # Next we print a blank line ????? ############################################################################ Simple Calculator (Read from the keyboard(input), print(), math operations, if else) ############################################################################ Program #7E - Write a program that prompts the user to enter two numbers and an operator. You can call your variables a, b, and op. The op can be +, -, *, **, /, or // Carry out the operation and print out the result. Sample Output: Simple Calculator Enter the value for a: (user enters maybe 3) Enter the value for b: (user enters maybe 9) Enter the value for the operator: (user enters maybe *) 3 + 9 is 12 Goodbye! OUTLINE # We print the title and two blank lines print("????") ?????? ?????? # ask the user to enter the value for a # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math a = int(input("????? ")) # ask the user to enter the value for b # we will need to convert the input into a numeric # so that we can do the math b = ????? # ask the user to enter the value for the operator op = ????? # Next we print a blank line ????? # we will calculate the result if op == "+": result = a + b print(a, "+", b, "is", result) elif op == "-": result = ????? print(a, "?", b, "is", result) elif op == "*": ?????? ?????? elif op == "**": ?????? ?????? elif op == "/": ?????? ?????? elif op == "//": ?????? ?????? else: print("You did not enter a valid operator.") # print a blank line ????? # print out Goodbye! ????? # print a blank line ????? ############################################################################ The Power of a Number (Read from the keyboard(input), print(), math operations, if else) ############################################################################ Program #7F - Write a program that prompts the user to enter the base and exponent. You can call your variables b and e (base and exponent). You will use: answer = b ** e, or answer = pow(b,e) Carry out the operation and print out the result. Sample Output: Powers of a Number Enter the base: 2 Enter the exponent(power): 3 The base 2 raised to the power 3 is 8 Enter the base: 3 Enter the exponent(power): 4 The base 3 raised to the power 4 is 81 Enter the base: 4 Enter the exponent(power): 2 The base 4 raised to the power 2 is 16 Enter the base: 0 Thank you! May the power be with you! OUTLINE # Powers of a Number # b raised to the e power # print a title ????????? # print 2 blank license ??????? ??????? # create a while True loop ????? ????: # ask the user to enter the base b = ???(????(?????)) # check and see if b is equal to 0 # if so, break out of the loop ?? ? ?? ?: ???? # ask the user to enter the exponent (power) e = ???() # do the math Use ** as your operator # or you can call a built in function # called pow. Just use pow(b,e). The # function will return the answer. answer = ?????? # print a blank line ????? # print the answer with a message. # Example: The base 2 raised to the power 3 is 8 # You can use comma notation in your print command # "The base b",b,.... ????????? # print 2 blank lines ????? ????? # END OF while Loop # print a blank line ????? # print Thank you! ????? # print May the power be with you! ????? # print a blank line ????? ############################################################################ Letter Grades (Read from the keyboard, print, math operations, if else if) ############################################################################ Program #8 - Write a program that prompts the user for a numerical grade. Find the letter grade, and then print out: The letter grade is ?. You can use an integer type for your input variable. 95 and above - A 87 - 94 - B 75 - 86 - C 70 - 74 - D 69 and below - F Sample Output: Letter Grades Enter the numerical grade: (user enters maybe 82) The letter grade is a C Outline: # print the title and # and then print two blank lines print("?????????") ?????() ?????() # Ask the user to: # Enter the numerical grade: # Create a variable called numberGrade # Assign to numberGrade the Int number that the # user enters ??? = int(input("????? ")) print() # Create a variable called letterGrade # Assign to letterGrade the value of "" (for now) ???? = ?? # Use an if elif statement to find the letterGrade # It has been started for you. if numberGrade >= 95: # assign the value of "A" to letterGrade ?????? = ??? elif numberGrade >= 87: # assign the value of "B" to letterGrade ?????? = ??? elif numberGrade >= 75: # assign the value of "C" to letterGrade ?????? = ??? elif numberGrade >= 70: # assign the value of "D" to letterGrade ?????? = ??? elif numberGrade >= 70: # assign the value of "D" to letterGrade ?????? = ??? else: # assign the value of "F" to letterGrade ?????? = ??? # print out "The letter grade is a xxx" where xxx # is replaced with the value of the variable letterGrade print(????????????????????????? + xxx) print() ############################################################################ Positive or Negative or Zero (Read from the keyboard, print, math operations, if else if) ############################################################################ Program #9A - Write a program that prompts the user for a number, and then prints out: The number is positive or negative or zero. You can use an integer type for your input variable. Sample Output: Postive or Negative or Zero? Enter a number: (user enters maybe 7) 7 is a positive number. Outline: # print the title and # and then print two blank lines print("?????????") ?????() ?????() # Ask the user to: # Enter a number: # Create a variable called number # Assign to number the int number that the # user enters ??? = ???(input("????? ")) # print a blank line ???????? # Create a variable called answer # Assign to answer the value of "" (for now) ???? = ?? # Use an if elif statement to find the answer # It has been started for you. if number > 0: # assign the value of str(number) + " is a positive number." to answer ?????? = ??? elif numberGrade < 0: # assign the value of str(number) + " is a negative number." to answer ?????? = ??? else: # assign the value of str(number) + " is zero." to answer ?????? = ??? # print out answer print(?????) print() ############################################################################ Too Hot or Too Cold or Just Right (Read from the keyboard, print, math operations, if else if) ############################################################################ Program #9B - Write a program that prompts the user for the temperature, and then prints out: The number is too hot or too cold or just right. You can use an integer type for your input variable. If the temperature is greater than 90, print too hot. If the temperature is less than 70, print too cold. Otherwise print just right. Sample Output: Too Hot or Too Cold or Just Right Enter the temperature: (user enters maybe 75) 75 degrees is just right. Outline: # print the title and # and then print two blank lines print("?????????") ?????() ?????() # Ask the user to: # Enter the temperature: # Create a variable called temp # Assign to temp the int number that the # user enters ??? = ???(input("????? ")) # print a blank line ???????? # Create a variable called answer # Assign to answer the value of "" (for now) ???? = ?? # Use an if elif statement to find the answer # It has been started for you. if temp > 90: # assign the value of str(number) + " degrees is too hot!" to answer ?????? = ??? elif ?????? < 70: # assign the value of str(number) + " degrees is too cold." to answer ?????? = ??? else: # assign the value of str(number) + " degrees is just right." to answer ?????? = ??? # print out answer print(?????) # print a blank line ??????? # print Goodbye! ??????? # print a blank line ??????? ############################################################################ Multiplication Table (Read from the keyboard, print, math operations, for loops) ############################################################################ Program #10A - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. Print out a multiplication table for that number. You can use the integer type for your variable. for x in range(0,10): ??????? Multiplication Table Enter a number (0 - 9): (user enters maybe 7) 7 x 0 = 0 7 x 1 = 7 7 x 2 = 14 7 x 3 = 21 7 x 4 = 28 ... 7 x 8 = 56 7 x 9 = 63 Outline: # print the title and # and then print two blank lines print("?????????") ?????() ?????() # Ask the user to: # Enter a number (0-9): # Create a variable called number # Assign to number the int number that the # user enters ??? = int(input("????? ")) print() # Now we will print out the multiplication table for number for x in range(0,10): # define a variable called answer and store the result of # number * x ?????? = ????? # print out the value of number, then the value of x, and then the answer print( str(??????) + " x " + str(?) + " = " + str(answer) ) print() ############################################################################ Multiples of a Number (Read from the keyboard, print, math operations, for loops) ############################################################################ Program #10B - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. Print out the multiples for that number up to 100. You can use the integer type for your variable. for x in range(0,101): if ??????: ??????? Multiples of a Number Enter a number (1-50): (user enters maybe 10) The multiples of 10 are: 10 20 30 40 50 ... 90 100 Goodbye! Outline: # print the title and # and then print two blank lines print("?????????") ?????() ?????() # Ask the user to: # Enter a number (1-50): # Create a variable called number # Assign to number the int number that the # user enters ??? = int(input("????? ")) # print a blank line ?????? # Now we will print out the multiplication table for number for x in range(1,101): # Check and see if x is divisible by number # if x % number == 0 if ?????????: # print the value of x # print a blank line ?????? # print Goodbye! ?????? # print a blank line ?????? ############################################################################ Multiples of a Number (Read from the keyboard, print, math operations, for loops) ############################################################################ Program #10C - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. Print out whether the number is even or odd. You can use the integer type for your variable. No loop is needed. Even or Odd Enter a number (1 or above): (user enters maybe 10) 10 is an even number. Goodbye! Outline: # print the title and # and then print two blank lines print("?????????") ?????() ?????() while true: # Ask the user to: # Enter a number (0 to quit): # Create a variable called number # Assign to number the int number that the # user enters ??? = int(input("????? ")) # print a blank line ?????? # Now we will print out whether the number is even or odd # if a number % 2 is 0, then it is even, else it is odd. if ?????? % 2 == 0: # print out the number is even else: # print out the number is odd # print a blank line ?????? # print a blank line ?????? # print Goodbye! ?????? # print a blank line ?????? ############################################################################ The Guessing Game(Read from the keyboard, print, math operations, while loops) ############################################################################ Program #11 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. The user will be guessing a number between 1 - 100. Use number = random.randrange(1,101) They will get 7 guesses to win, else they lose. You can use the integer type for your variable. Use a for loop. for numTries in range(1,8): Sample Run: The Guessing Game low = 1 high = 100 Enter your guess: 50 You number is too low! low = 51 high = 100 Enter your guess: 75 Your number is too high! low = 51 high = 74 Enter your guess: 63 Your number is too high! low = 51 high = 62 Enter your guess: 56 You number is too low! low = 57 high = 62 Enter your guess: 60 Your number is too high! low = 57 high = 59 Enter your guess: 58 You number is too low! low = 59 high = 59 Enter your guess: 59 You guessed the number!!!

An Outline for the Guessing Game

import random # print out the title "The Guessing Game" ??????(?????????) ?????? ?????? # print two blank lines ????? ????? # declare a variable called low and set it to 1 # then declare a variable called high and set it to 100 ???? = ????? # declare a variable called number to hold the # computer's number that the user will try to guess # use random.randrange(1,101) ???? = ????? # declare a variable called userGuess that will hold the # user's guess and set it to 0. ????? = ??????? # declare a variable called numTries that will hold the # user's number of tries and set it to 1. ????? = ????? # now we will loop while numTries <= 7: print("low =",low," high =", high) # ask the user to enter your guess and store # it in a variable called userGuess # convert the input to an int ???? = ????? # check and see if the userGuess == number # and if so break out of the loop # the keyword to break out of the loop is break if ??? == ???: ????? # elif check and see if the userGuess < number # and if so: # print out "Your number is too low!" # and then set low = userGuess + 1 elif ???? < ????: ????? ????? # else: # print out "Your number is too high!" # and then set high = userGuess - 1 ?????: ????? ????? # add 1 to the variable location called numTries ????? = ?????? + 1 print() print() # check and see if userGuess == number: # and if so print out "You guessed the number!!!" if ???? == ?????: ??????? # else: # print out "You lose. The number was",number ??????? print() ############################################################################ The Dice Game(Read from the keyboard, print, math operations, while loops) ############################################################################ Program #12A - Write a program that simulates tossing dice. The user will toss dice (2). You will be getting two numbers between 1 and 6 (inclusive). die1 = random.randrange(1,7) die2 = random.randrange(1,7) You will add these numbers together. If the sum is 7 or 11, the player wins, else they lose. You can use the integer type for your variable. Sample Run: The Dice Game Are you ready to toss the dice (Yes or No)? y You tossed a 7 . You win! Are you ready to toss the dice (Yes or No)? y You tossed a 6 . You lose! Are you ready to toss the dice (Yes or No)? y You tossed a 7 . You win! Are you ready to toss the dice (Yes or No)? y You tossed a 12 . You lose! Are you ready to toss the dice (Yes or No)? n Wins: 2 Losses: 2 Thank you for playing dice!!! OUTLINE: import random # print out the title "The Dice Game" ??? # print 2 blank lines ???? ???? # define variables # wins, losses, die1, die2, and sum, and set them to zero while True: # Allow the user to input # "Are you ready to toss the dice (y or n)?" answer = ????? # check and see if the answer is equal to "n", and if so break ??????? ???? # toss the dice die1 = ????? # get a random number from 1 to 6 inclusive die2 = ????? # get a random number from 1 to 6 inclusive print("You tossed a", die1, "and a", die2) # print a blank line ??????? # find the sum of the two die sum = ?????? # check and see if your sum is a 7 or an 11 (if so you win!) if ???? == ? or ????? == ?: # print a You win! message and then add 1 to your wins variable ???? ???? else: # print a You lose! message and then add 1 to your losses variable ???? ???? print() print() # print out the number of wins and losses (with a message) ???????? ??????? # print out a thank you for playing the game # print out a Goodbye message ############################################################################ Rock, Paper, Scissor (Read from the keyboard, print, math operations, while loops) ############################################################################ Program #12B - Write a program that plays Rock, Paper, Scissors. You will be getting a random value for the computer from 1-3. You will get the user to enter a value of 1, 2, or 3. 1 for Rock 2 for Paper 3 for Scissors rn2 = random.randrange(1,4) Sample output: Rock, Paper, Scissors 1=Rock, 2=Paper, 3=Scissors Enter 1, 2, or 3: 1 The user wins. Rock beats Scissors. Computer Choice Scissors User Choice Rock 1=Rock, 2=Paper, 3=Scissors Enter 1, 2, or 3: 0 Outline: import random # Rock Paper Scissors # Who beats what? # Rock beats Scissors (Rock crushes the Scissors) # Rock losses to Paper (Paper covers the Rock) # Paper losses to Scissors (Scissors cut up the paper) # print the title "Rock, Paper, Scissors"and two blank lines ??????? ??????? ??????? # variables to hold the random numbers (choices) # 1, 2, or 3 for computer or user # define a variable called rn1 to hold your choice ??? = 0 # define a variable called rn2 to hold the computer choice ??? = 0 # define a variable called computer to hold the computer output ???????? = "" # define a variable called user to hold the computer output ???????? = "" # loop to play the game over and over again while True: # The choices # 1 = Rock # 2 = Paper # 3 = Scissors # print out 0=Quit 1=Rock, 2=Paper, 3=Scissors ???????? # Now prompt the user to enter # their choice. 1 or 2 or 3 rn1 = ???(input(?????)) # check and see if the user entered 0 to quit. # if so, then break out of the loop if rn1 ?? ?: ????? # We will get a random number # between 1 and 3 (1, 2, or 3) # for the computer choice. rn2 = ??????? # We will set the computer # variable to hold the string # result of Rock, Paper, or Scissors # The variable rn2 holds the 1, 2, or 3 # for the computer choice if rn2 == 1: computer = "Rock" elif ????? computer = ?????? else: computer = ?????? # We will set the user # variable to hold the string # result of Rock, Paper, or Scissors # The variable rn1 holds the 1, 2, or 3 # for the user choice if rn1 == 1: user = "Rock" elif ????? user = ?????? else: user = ?????? # Now see who wins or is it a tie? if rn1 == rn2: # print out It is a tie! ?????? # print out "Computer Choice " + computer ?????? # print out "User Choice" + user ?????? # We now need to consider all other possibilities. # if it is NOT a tie, we now need to consider # what beats what # User Rock vs. Computer Paper elif rn1 == 1 and rn2 == 2: # print out "The computer wins. Paper beats Rock." ??????? # print out "Computer Choice " + computer ?????? # print out "User Choice" + user ?????? # User Rock vs. Computer Scissors elif rn1 == 1 and rn2 == 3: # print out "The user wins. Rock beats Scissors." ??????? # print out "Computer Choice " + computer ?????? # print out "User Choice" + user ?????? # User Paper vs. Computer Rock elif rn1 == 2 and rn2 == 1: # print out "The user wins. Paper beats Rock." ?????? # print out "Computer Choice " + computer ?????? # print out "User Choice" + user ?????? # User Paper vs. Computer Scissors # HANDLE THIS CASE YOURSELF # YOU CAN COPY AND PASTE THE OUTLINE ABOVE # AND THEN MODIFY THE CODE ???????? ????? ????? ????? # User Scissors vs. Computer Rock # HANDLE THIS CASE YOURSELF # YOU CAN COPY AND PASTE THE OUTLINE ABOVE # AND THEN MODIFY THE CODE ???????? ????? ????? ????? # User Scissors vs. Computer Paper # HANDLE THIS CASE YOURSELF # YOU CAN COPY AND PASTE THE OUTLINE ABOVE # AND THEN MODIFY THE CODE ???????? ????? ????? ????? # print 2 blank lines. ?????? ?????? # END OF THE while True: loop # print 2 blank lines ????? ????? # END OF PROGRAM ############################################################################ Three in a Row(Read from the keyboard, print, math operations, while loops) ############################################################################ Program #12C - Write a program that simulates a spinner with three outputs. The user will get 3 random numbers. You will be getting the numbers between 1 and 3 (inclusive). 1="Apple" 2="Banana" 3="Orange" num = random.randrange(1,4) fruit1 = getTheFruit(num) You will check to see if these fruits are all the same. If the fruits are all the same, the player wins, else they lose. You can use the integer type for your variable. Sample Run: Three in a Row Are you ready to get 3 in a row (y or n)? y Orange Orange Banana You lose! Are you ready to get 3 in a row (y or n)? y Orange Banana Banana You lose! Are you ready to get 3 in a row (y or n)? y Apple Apple Orange You lose! Are you ready to get 3 in a row (y or n)? n Wins. : 0 Losses: 3 Thank you for playing the game! Goodbye! OUTLINE: import random # ******************************** # function getTheFruit # ******************************** def getTheFruit(num): if num == 1: return "Apple" elif ??? == 2: return "Banana" else: return "Orange" # ******************************** # MAIN PROGRAM # ******************************** # print out the title "Three in a Row" ?????? # print 2 blank lines ?????? ?????? # define variables # wins, losses, fruit1, fruit2, fruit3, answer # wins and losses should be assigned 0 # fruit1, fruit2, fruit3, answer should be assigned "" (the empty String) ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? while True: # Allow the user to input # "Are you ready to get 3 in a row (y or n)? " answer = ?????(??????) # check and see if the answer is equal to "N' or "n", and if so break if ?????? == "Y" or ?????? == "n": ?????? # get the 1st fruit with a random number (fruit1) # and then get the name of the fruit1 by # calling the function getTheFruit() num = random.randrange(1,4) fruit1 = getTheFruit(num) # get the second fruit with a random number (fruit2) # and then get the name of the fruit2 by # calling the function getTheFruit() ?????? ?????? # get the third fruit with a random number (fruit3) # and then get the name of the fruit3 by # calling the function getTheFruit() ?????? ?????? # print a blank line ?????? # print out the three fruits all on the same line ?????? # print a blank line ?????? # check and see if your three fruits are the same if fruit1 == fruit2 and fruit1 == fruit3: # print a You win! message and then add 1 to your wins variable ?????? wins = ?????? else: # print a You lose! message and then add 1 to your losses variable ?????? losses = ?????? # print out a blank line ?????? # print out a blank line ?????? # END OF while True: loop # print out a blank line print() # print out the number of wins and losses (with a message) ?????? ?????? # print out a blank line ?????? # print out Thank you for playing the game ?????? # print out a Goodbye message ?????? # print out a blank line ?????? ############################################################################ Factors of a Number ############################################################################ Program #13 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. Print out all of the factors of the number You can use the integer type for your variable. Sample Output: The Factors of a Number Enter a number: (user enters maybe 8) The factors of 8 are: 1 2 4 8 Outline # print out the title Factors of a Number ?????????? ## print two blank lines ??????? ??????? # Prompt the user to enter a number. # Store it in a variable called num ????? = int(???????) # print a blank line ????? # print "The factors of ??? are: " # where ??? is the value of num ?????(???????, end=" ") # Now we will print out all of the factors of num # one at a time. # Write a for loop that loops from 1...num+1 # Use loop variable d for your variable name. # You will need a range(1,num+1) for ? ?? ?????????: # Check and see if num is divisible by d if ??? % ? == ?: # print out the value of d and a space print("???? ", end="") # end of for loop # print two blank lines ?????? ?????? # print "Goodbye!" ?????? # print a blank line ?????? ############################################################################ Print the factors of a number and how many factors (Read from the keyboard, print, math operations % ==, for loops, if else) ############################################################################ Program #14 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. Print out all of the factors of the number and how many factors. You can use the integer type for your variables. You will need a count variable starting at 0. You will need a for loop to loop through all the possible divisors (1 - number): for d in range(1,number+1) Sample Output: The Factors of a Number Enter a number: (user enters maybe 8) The factors of 8 are: 1 2 4 8 There are 4 factors. Outline # print out the title Factors of a Number ?????????? ## print two blank lines ??????? ??????? # Prompt the user to enter a number. # Store it in a variable called num ????? = int(???????) # print a blank line ????? # print "The factors of ??? are: " # where ??? is the value of num ?????(???????, end=" ") # define a variable called count and set it to 0 ????? = ? # Now we will print out all of the factors of num # one at a time. # Write a for loop that loops from 1...num+1 # Use loop variable d for your variable name. # You will need a range(1,num+1) for ? ?? ?????????: # Check and see if num is divisible by d if ??? % ? == ?: # print out the value of d and a space print("???? ", end="") # add 1 to your count variable # end of for loop # print out the number of factors that you found with a message ?????? # print two blank lines ?????? ?????? # print "Goodbye!" ?????? # print a blank line ?????? ############################################################################ Print the GCF of two numbers (Read from the keyboard, print, math operations % ==, for loops, if else, &&) ############################################################################ Program #15 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter two numbers. Print out the GCF of the two numbers. You can use the integer type for your variables. Stay in a loop until the user enters 0 Sample Output: The GCF of two Numbers Enter the first number : (user enters maybe 8) Enter the second number: (user enters maybe 12) The GCF of 8 and 12 is 4 Enter the first number : (user enters maybe 12) Enter the second number: (user enters maybe 16) The GCF of 12 and 16 is 4 Enter the first number : (user enters maybe 0) Goodbye! Outline # print out the title The GCF of Two Numbers ??????? while True: # print two blank lines ?????? ?????? # Prompt the user to Enter the first number: # Store the number in a variable called num1. # Read in the number and convert it # into an Int ???? = int(???????) # Check and see if num1 is equal to 0 if ???? == ???: # break out of the loop ????? # print a blank line ????? # Prompt the user to Enter the second number: # Store the number in a variable called num2. # Read in the number and convert it # into an Int ???? = int(???????) # print a blank line ????? # print The GCF of ??? and ??? is # where the first ??? is the value of the first number # and the second ??? is the value of the second number ?????("??????????????", end = " ") # define a variable called gcf and assign a # value of 1 ??? = ? # Now we will loop through all of the possible # divisors. # Write a for loop which runs from 1 to num1 # Use d for your loop variable for ? in range(?, ?): # check and see if num1 is divisible by d # and num2 is divisible by d if num1 % ? == ? and num2 % ? == ?: # assign the value of d to gcf # (put the value of d into the gcf box) # because it is the next largest possible value gcf = ?; # this is the end of the for loop # print the value of gcf print(???) # this is the end of the while True: loop # print a blank line ????? # print Goodbye! ????? # print a blank line print() ############################################################################ Print the GCF of two numbers (Read from the keyboard, print, math operations % ==, for loops, if else, &&, and functions) ############################################################################ Program #16 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter two numbers. Print out the GCF of the two numbers. Write a function called gcf. Call the function to get your result. Stay in a loop until the user enters 0 0 define gcf(num1, num2): You can use the integer type for your variables. Sample Output: The GCF of two Numbers Enter the first number : (user enters maybe 8) Enter the second number: (user enters maybe 12) The GCF of 8 and 12 is 4 Enter the first number : (user enters maybe 12) Enter the second number: (user enters maybe 16) The GCF of 12 and 16 is 4 Enter the first number : (user enters maybe 0) Goodbye! OUTLINE // Write a function to find the GCF of two numbers def getGCF(num1, num2): # define a variable called gcf and assign a # value of 1 ??? = ? # Now we will loop through all of the possible # divisors. # Write a for loop which runs from 1 to num1+1 # Use d for your loop variable for ? in range(?, ???+1): # check and see if num1 is divisible by d # and num2 is divisible by d if num1 % ? == ? and num2 % ? == ?: # assign the value of d to gcf # (put the value of d into the gcf box) # because it is the next largest possible value gcf = ? # end of if both are divisible by d # end of for d loop # return the value of the gcf return ??? # end of func # print out the title The GCF of Two Numbers ?????(?????????????????) while True: # print two blank lines ?????? ?????? # Prompt the user to Enter the first number: # Declare a variable called num1. # Read in the number and convert it # into an Int ???? = int(??????) # Check and see if num1 is equal to 0 if ???? == ?: # break out of the loop ????? # end of if # print a blank line ?????? # Prompt the user to Enter the second number: # Declare a variable called num2. # Read in the number and convert it # into an Int ???? = int(??????) # print a blank line ?????? # find the GCF by calling the func getGCF gcf = ??????(num1, num2) # print The GCF of ??? and ??? is ??? # where the first ??? is the value of the first number # and the second ??? is the value of the second number # and the third ??? is the value of the gcf print(?????????) # end of while loop # print a blank line ?????? # print the message "Goodbye!" ?????? # print a blank line ????? ############################################################################ Print the sum of the digits of a number (Read from the keyboard, print, math operations, % ==, for loops, functions ) ############################################################################ Program #17 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. Print out the sum of the digits for the number. Write a function to find the sum. Stay in a loop until the user enters 0 Sample Output: The Sum of the Digits for a Number Enter a number: (user enters maybe 123) The sum of the digits of 123 is 6. Enter a number: (user enters maybe 325) The sum of the digits of 325 is 10. Enter a number: (user enters maybe 0) Goodbye! OUTLINE: # Sum of the Digits def sum(num): # We will store num in the variable n so we preserve # or keep the original value n = num # create a variable called sum and # set it to 0 ??? = ? while n > 0: # divide n by 10 using // NOT / # and store the answer in digit # This will give you the right most digit of n digit = ?????? # add the digit to sum and store your new answer # back in sum sum = ????? + ??? # divide n by 10 using / # and store the answer in n n = ?????? # end of the while n > 0: // return the sum ?????? ??? # end of def sum # print the heading The Sum of the Digits for a Number # and two blank lines ?????????????????? ?????? ?????? while True: # prompt the user to enter # the number # create a variable num to hold the number # Convert the input to an Int. ??? = int(?????????) # check and see if num is equal to zero # and if so, break the loop if ??? ?? ? ?????? # print a blank line ?????? # find the answer answer = ???? # print the answer # The sum of the digits is xxx. # where xxx is replaced with the answer # print a blank line ?????? # end of while True: # print a blank line ?????? # print GoodBye! ?????? # print a blank line ?????? ############################################################################ Print the vowels of a String (Read from the keyboard, print, slicing, for loops, if else, &&) ############################################################################ Program #18 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a String. Print out each vowel in the String (a, e, i, o, u). You can use the String type for your variable. Stay in a loop until the user enters the empty String. Hint: for ch in myString: if ch == "a" or ch == "e": # finish this # print (ch, end="") Sample Output: The Vowels in a String Enter a String: (user enters maybe catalog) The vowels of catalog are: aao Enter a String: (user enters maybe computer) The vowels of computer are: oue Enter a String: (user enters maybe nothing) Goodbye! OUTLINE: # print out the title # "The Vowels in a String" # and two blank lines ?????(?????????????????) ?????? ?????? # create a while loop ????? True: # Prompt the user to Enter a String. # and read it in to a variable called sentence ???????? = ?????(????????) # see if sentence is equal to "" # and if so, break the loop if ??????? == ??: ????? # end of if # Print a blank line. ????? # print out The vowels of xxxxxx are: # where xxxxxx is replaced by the value of the variable sentence ?????(?????, end=" ") # We will now loop through all characters # in the String sentence. # Use a for loop and use ch for your variable ??? ?? in sentence # Check and see if # ch is a vowel. if ch == "a" || ch == "e" || # and so forth // print out the ch and a space but // stay on the same line print(??,end=" ") # end of if # end of for loop # print a blank line ????? # print a blank line ????? # end of while True: loop # Print a blank line. ????? # Print Goodbye! ????? # Print a blank line. ????? ############################################################################ Print the capital letters of a String (Read from the keyboard, print, slicing, for loops, if else, &&) ############################################################################ Program #19 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a String. Print out each capital letter in the String. Stay in a loop until the user enters the empty String. Hint: if ch >= 'A' and ch <= 'Z': Sample Output: The Capital Letters in a String Enter a String: (user enters maybe CatALog) The capital letters of CatALog are: CAL Enter a String: (user enters maybe ComPuTer) The capital letters of ComPuTer are: CPT Enter a String: (user enters maybe nothing) Goodbye! ############################################################################ Prime Numbers ############################################################################ Program #20 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. Print out whether the number is prime or not. Write a function to find the result (boolean). Hint: A prime number has exactly 2 factors. Count the factors as you find them. Check the count after your loop has finished, and see if you have exactly 2, and return True Otherwise return False. Stay in a loop until the user enters 0 Sample Output: Prime Numbers Enter a number: (user enters maybe 8) 8 is NOT prime. Enter a number: (user enters maybe 17) 17 is prime. Enter a number: (user enters maybe 0) Goodbye! Outline: ======== def isPrime(num): count = 0 # loop and count all of the divisors of num # check and see if count is == to 2, and if # so return True # otherwise return False if ???? == 2: ?????? else: ?????? # ************************* # Main Program # ************************* # print the title ??????? # print 2 blank lines ??????? ??????? while True: # prompt the user to enter a number num = ?????? # print a blank line ??????? if isPrime(number): # print out the number is prime. ??????? else: # print out the number is NOT prime. ??????? # print a blank line ??????? ############################################################################ Perfect Numbers ############################################################################ Program #21 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. Print out whether the number is perfect or not. A perfect number has divisors that add up to the number. For example, 6 is perfect since factors 1, 2, 3 add to 6. Write a function to find the result (boolean True or False). Stay in a loop until the user enters 0 def isPerfect(num): sum = 0 # loop through all of the possible factors, but # do NOT include the number itself # if you find a factor, then add it to the sum # sum = ??? + num # check and see if the sum == num, and if # so, return True else return False Sample Output: Perfect Numbers Enter a number: (user enters maybe 8) 8 is NOT perfect. Enter a number: (user enters maybe 6) 6 is perfect. Enter a number: (user enters maybe 0) Goodbye! ############################################################################ Base Two Numbers ############################################################################ Program #22 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. Print out the number in base 2. You can use the integer type for your variable. Call the bin(number) function to find the result (String). Stay in a loop until the user enters 0 Base 2 numbers have only two digits, 0 and 1 Base 10 numbers have 10 digits, 0...9 Example 1: 0 1 0 1 1 0 <- binary digits 32 16 8 4 2 1 <- place value The binary number in base 10 is ?????????????? Example 2: 1 1 0 1 1 1 <- binary digits 32 16 8 4 2 1 <- place value The binary number in base 10 is ?????????????? Example 3: 0 0 1 1 1 1 <- binary digits 32 16 8 4 2 1 <- place value The binary number in base 10 is ?????????????? Sample Output: Binary Numbers Enter a number to convert to binary: 20 The number 20 in binary is 0b10100 Enter a number to convert to binary: 16 The number 16 in binary is 0b10000 Enter a number to convert to binary: 12 The number 12 in binary is 0b1100 Enter a number to convert to binary: 0 Goodbye! OUTLINE # Binary Numbers # print the title ?????? # print 2 blank lines ?????? ?????? # Create a while True: loop while True: # Ask the user to # Enter a number to convert to binary number = ?????? # Check and see if number is equal to 0 # and if so, break out of the LookupError if ??????: ?????? # print a blank line ?????? # get the binary form of num # Use the built in function called bin # Example: bin(number) answer = ?????? # print The number ? in binary form is ??? # Use can use comma notation # "The number", number, .... print(??????) # print 2 blank lines ?????? ?????? # END OF while loop # print a blank line ?????? # print Goodbye! ?????? # print a blank line ?????? ############################################################################ Base Eight Numbers ############################################################################ Program #23 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. Print out the number in base 8. You can use the integer type for your variable. Call the oct(number) function to find the result (String). Stay in a loop until the user enters 0 Base 8 numbers have 8 digits, 0...7 Base 10 numbers have 10 digits, 0...9 Example 1: 0 3 5 <- octal digits 64 8 1 <- place value The octal number in base 10 is ?????????????? Example 2: 0 2 0 <- octal digits 64 8 1 <- place value The octal number in base 10 is ?????????????? Example 3: 0 2 7 <- octal digits 64 8 1 <- place value The octal number in base 10 is ?????????????? Sample Output: Base Eight Numbers Enter a number: (user enters maybe 17) 17 in base 8 is 21. Enter a number: (user enters maybe 15) 15 in base 8 is 17. Enter a number: (user enters maybe 0) Goodbye! ############################################################################ Base Sixteen (Hex) Numbers ############################################################################ Program #24 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a number. Print out the number in base 16. You can use the integer type for your variable. Call the hex(number) function to find the result (String). Stay in a loop until the user enters 0 Base 16 numbers have 16 digits, 0...9, A, B, C, D, E, F Base 10 numbers have 10 digits, 0...9 Example 1: 0 2 5 <- hex digits 256 16 1 <- place value The hex number in base 10 is ?????????????? Example 2: 0 1 C <- hex digits 256 16 1 <- place value The hex number in base 10 is ?????????????? Example 3: 0 2 A <- hex digits 256 16 1 <- place value The hex number in base 10 is ?????????????? Sample Output: Base Sixteen (Hex) Numbers Enter a number: (user enters maybe 17) 17 in base 16 is 10. Enter a number: (user enters maybe 45) 45 in base 16 is 2d. Enter a number: (user enters maybe 0) Goodbye! ############################################################################ Simple Encryption ############################################################################ Program #25 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a String (a message). Print out the encrypted string based on the following algorithm. Write a function to find the result (String). Stay in a loop until the user enters 0 def encrypt(s): # this string will hold the encrypted form encryptedString = "" for i in range(0,len(s)): # get the character in the ith position of s ch = s[i] # convert the character into numeric format # use the ord(ch) function x = ord(ch) # change the value of x by adding four or adding seven # based upon it's position within the String # if the i is an even number, add 4 to x # else add 7 to x if i % 2 == 0: x = ????? else: x = ????? # convert x back into it's character format # use the chr() function ch = ????? # add the character to the end of encryptedString encryptedString = encryptedString + ch return your encryptedString Sample Output: Encryption Enter a message: (user enters maybe Hello World) Hello World encrypted is Llpss'[vvsh Enter a message: (user enters maybe Python is fun!) Python is fun! encrypted is ??????? Enter a message: (user enters maybe nothing) Goodbye! ############################################################################ Simple Decrypt ############################################################################ Program #26 - Write a program that prompts the user to enter a String (a message) in encrypted form using the algorithm above. Print out the decrypted string based on reversing the algorithm above. Write a function to find the result (String). Stay in a loop until the user enters 0 def decrypt(encryptedString) # reverse what you did in the above problem # you will get characters from one by one # encryptedString, convert them, and then add # them to s s = "" # put your code here return s Sample Output: Encryption Enter a message: (user enters maybe Llpss'[vvsh) Llpss'[vvsh decrypted is Hello World Enter a message: (user enters maybe Nhzh$pw'j|r() Nhzh$pw'j|r( decrypted is Python is fun! Enter a message: (user enters maybe nothing) Goodbye! ############################################################################ Simple Lists (Arrays) ############################################################################ Program #27 - Write a program that finds the largest number in a list (Array). Write a function to do this. Do not use max()! Use a loop. def findLargest(array): largest = array[0] # so far # now loop through all the numbers in the list for number in array: # see if number > largest, and if so, # largest = number # return the value of largest # in your main program # print the title "Largest Number" # print 2 blank lines one = [12,3,6,8,14,12,1] two = [1,2,8,4,9,6,6,8,2] largestOfOne = findLargest(one) # now print it! The largest number in array one is 14. # print a blank line # now do array two largestOfTwo = findLargest(two) # print out The largest number in array two is 9. ############################################################################ Simple Lists (Arrays) ############################################################################ Program #28 - Write a program that finds the number of even numbers in the array. Write a function to do this. def countEvens(array): count = 0 # loop through all of the numbers in array # each time check and see if the number is even, and if so, # add 1 to your count variable # return the count # in your main method one = [12,3,6,8,14,12,1]; two = [1,2,8,4,9,6,6,8,2]; numberOfEvens = countEvens(one) # now print it! The number of even numbers in array one is 4 # now do array two numberOfEvens = countEvens(two) # now print it! The number of even numbers in array two is 7 ############################################################################ Simple Lists (Arrays) ############################################################################ Program #29 - Write a program that finds the average of the numbers in the array. Write a function to do this. def findAverage(array): sum = 0 count = 0 # loop through each number in the array, # and add it to your sum. # sum = ??? + ??????? # add 1 to your count # return your average (sum / count) # in your main method one = [12,3,6,8,14,12,1] two = [1,2,8,4,9,6,6,8,2] averageOne = findAverage(one) # now print it! The average of the numbers in list one is ???.? # print a blank line # now do array two ############################################################################ Simple Arrays ############################################################################ Program #30 - Write a program that finds and prints the first n fibonacci numbers. Write a function to do this. def findFibonacciNumbers(): list = [1, 1] # start with the first two numbers and append more for i in range(2,20): # find the next fibonacci number # nextNumber = ???? # list.append (?????) # return your list def printFiboList(list): # add code to print all the numbers in your list # on the same line. Separate your numbers with a space # in your main method # print a title # print 2 blank lines while True: # Ask the user for how many fibonacci numbers that they want to see # num = ????? # if they enter 0, break out of the loop # below we call our function to create the list of fibonacci numbers fiboList = findFibonacciNumbers(num) # we now print the fibonacci numbers all on the same line # by calling a function to do this printFiboList(fiboList) # print a blank line print() print("Goodbye") ############################################################################ Simple Arrays ############################################################################ Program #31 - Write a program that finds if an array is strictly increasing. Write a method to do this. Strictly increasing means that the numbers continue to increase. Example 1: [1, 5, 7, 12, 70, 80] is strictly increasing [1, 5, 5, 12, 70, 80] is NOT strictly increasing (5 - 5) [1, 5, 7, 6, 70, 80] is NOT strictly increasing (7 - 6) def isStrictlyIncreasing(array): # return true if it is strictly increasing else false # you will need a for indexed based loop # access each ith number and see if it is greater than or equal to # the i+1 element, and if so return False # after the loop is over, return True # in your main method one = [1,3,6,8,14,16,18] two = [1,2,8,4,9,6,6,8,2] if isStrictlyIncreasing(one): # print that the number is strictly increasing else: # print that the number is NOT strictly increasing # now do array two ############################################################################ Simple Arrays ############################################################################ Program #32 - Write a program that trims the noise from a music file. def printMusic(samples) # print out each number in the list followed by space # use a for loop (either a for indexed base loop or a for each loop) def trimNoise(samples, amplitude): # if a number in the list > amplitude then change the # value to amplitude list[i] = amplitude # if a number in the list < -amplitude then change the # value to -amplitude list[i] = -amplitude # you will need to loop through each element with a # for indexed loop. # in your main part samples = [40,2532,17,-2300,-17,-4000,2000,1048,-420,33,15,-32,2030,3223] print("The original list of numbers are:") printMusic(samples) # your original list should be: 40 2532 17 -2300 -17 -4000 2000 1048, 420 33 15 -32 2030 3223 print() trimNoise(samples, 2000) print("The trimmed list of numbers are:") # now print out the music again printMusic(samples) # your trimmed list should be: 40 2000 17 -2000 -17 -2000 2000 1048, 420 33 15 -32 2000 2000 ############################################################################ List ############################################################################ Program #33 - Write a program that reads in the names of people and their age. Print the name and age on the console one per line. Use 2 Lists. The List has the following functions and methods! list.append(object) - adds an object to the end of the list list.insert(index, object) - inserts the object at the given position len(list) - returns how many objects are in our list list.reverse() - reverses the list list.sort() - sorts the list (small to large) list.remove(object) - removes object from list (others slide down) list.pop() - removes and returns the last object in the list max(list) - returns the largest object min(list) - returns the smallest object list[0] - accesses the object in the zero position def printNamesAndAges(names, ages): # you should print out each name and age on the same line # (one person per line) # use a for loop for i in range(0,len(names): # print the name and age # in your main method # create an empty List that can hold names and another for the ages names = [] ages = [] # use a while loop since we do not know how many names while True: # prompt the user to enter a person's name name = ?????("......") # if name is empty break # prompt the user to enter that person's age name = ?????("......") # if they enter nothing, we will assume that they are finished # and break out of the loop if name == "": break # add the name to our list of names names.append(???) # add the age to our list of ages ages.append(???) # print a blank line print() print() # now print out the names and ages printNames(names, ages) print() # now sort the names and print them out again # you should notice a problem!!!!!!!!! ############################################################################ List ############################################################################ Program #34 - Write a program that reads in the names of items and the cost of some items that you buy. You will use the float data type rather than the int data type. So cast your input to a float(input(......)) rather than int(input(......)) Print out each product name and cost on the same line of the console. Then print the total cost of all of the items. Use a List to hold the names and a separate list to hold the costs. def printItemsAndCosts(costs): # print each item's name and the cost for that item. # use a loop def getTotalCost(costs): # find the total cost for all items and return it # use a loop sum = 0 # now a loop to add each cost to the sum # now return the cost def printTotalCost(costs): # print the total cost of all items # print out: Total Cost: $xxxx.xx totalCost = getTotalCost(costs) # now print it # in your main method items = [] # creates an empty list to hold all the names of the items costs = [] # creates an empty list to hold the cost of each items # read in all of the costs # use a while loop since we do not know how many costs while True: # prompt the user to enter the name of the item # if the name is empty, break out of the loop # prompt the user to enter the cost of the item # remember to type cast it to a float # add the name of the item to our list of items items.append(???) # add the cost to our list of costs costs.append(???) # now print out the costs printCosts(costs) printTotalCost(costs) print() print() CLASSES ARE NOW USED!!!!!!!! ############################################################################ List ############################################################################ Program #35 - Write a class that stores information about a student (Student). Store in the class the first name, last name, quarter 1 grade, quarter 2 grade, and the average. # You must include this import statement as your first line # in your code from operator import attrgetter class Student: # we generally put our class variables or static variables here # these variables are shared by all objects # however, we won't need any for this assignment # We then generally define a constructor # to create and initialize our instance variables (members) def __init__(self, firstName, lastName, q1, q2): self.firstName = firstName # creates instance variable self.firstName self.lastName = lastName # creates instance variable self.lastName self.q1 = ? self.q2 = ? self.average = ??? # calculate the semester grade def getFirstNameLastName(self) # return self.firstName + " " + self.lastName return ??? # this is NOT inside the class def printStudents(students): # print out each student's full name, q1, q2, and average # use a for each loop for student in students: # student is referring to one student in the list # you can access info in the student's object by using: # student.firstName, student.lastName, # student.q1, student.q2, student.average # you can also called any functions inside the Student class # student.getFirstNameLast() but don't pass it self # so print this student's full name, q1, q2, and average # this is NOT inside the class def findTheStudentWithTheHighesAverage(students): # Define a variable to refer to the student with # the highest grade. Assign to it students[0] studentWithHighestAverage = ????? # use a for each loop to see if anybody has a higher average # Below is a for each loop. # You could also use a for indexed based loop # for i in range(0,len(students)): for student in students: # student is referring to one student in the list # you can access info in the student's object by using: # student.firstName, student.lastName, # student.q1, student.q2, student.average # See if student has a higher grade than studentWithHighestAverage, # and if so, then studentWithHighestAverage should now refer to # student. if ?????????.average > ???????.average: studentWithHighestAverage = ?????? return ?????????? # this starts the main program students = [] # creates an empty list # use a while loop since we do not know how many persons while True: # prompt the user to enter a person's first name # read it in using input() firstName = input("Enter the person's name: "); # if empty break out of the loop # prompt the user to enter a person's last name # read it in using input("?????????") # prompt the user to enter a student's q1 grade # prompt the user to enter a student's q2 grade # creates a Student object and passes to it the info student = Student(firstName, lastName, q1, q2) # add the Student object to our list students.append(???) # now print out the students, their q1 and q2 grade, # and their average printStudents(students) # Now sort the students students = sorted(students, key=attrgetter('lastName','firstName')) # only works with the import statement from operator import attrgetter # now print out the students, their q1 and q2 grade, # and their average printStudents(students) ############################################################################ List of Objects ############################################################################ Program #36 - Write a class that stores information about a product to buy. Store in the class the barcode, item name, price, inventory, and the amount of tax to charge. class Item: # We then generally define a constructor or initializer # to create and initialize our instance variables (members). # When an Item is created (and we can create many of these) # we send to this constructor or initializer the information # which is then stored temporarily in the parameter variables. # barcode, itemName, price, inventory, and taxRate are the names of # the parameter variables that receive the incoming data. # self.barcode, self.itemName, self.price, self.inventory, # and self.taxRate are the instance variables which are permanent. # The parameter variables are created, assigned the incoming values, # but then are destroyed at the end of the function. def __init__(self, barcode, itemName, price, inventory, taxRate): self.barcode = barcode # creates instance variable self.barcode self.itemName = itemName # creates instance variable self.itemName self.price = ????? self.inventory = ??????? self.taxRate = ???????? # the tax is the percent (like maybe 0.0825) def getTaxOnItem(self): # return the tax for this sale (taxRate * price) return 0 # change this (do the math) # END OF class # this is NOT inside the class def printItems(items): # print out each item's name, price, and tax to be paid # use a for each loop for item in items: # item is referring to one item in the list called items # you can access info in the item's object by using: # item.barcode, item.itemName, # item.price # you can also call any functions inside the Item class # For example: item.getTaxOnItem() but don't pass it self # so print this item's name, price, and tax to be paid # Also, if an item is low on inventory (less than 5) # print out the message Low Inventory: Only ? items left # print a blank line print() return def searchForItemByBarcode(items, barcode): for item in items: if item.??????? == ???????: return item return "" # we did not find the item with this barcode # this starts the main program # items will be a list that holds all of the items in our store. items = [] # We will now add Item objects to our list of items item = Item("78645", "Bread", 3.99, 55, 0.0825) items.append(item) item = Item("79644", "Campbell's Vegetable Soup 8 oz", 2.49, 3, 0.0825) items.append(item) item = Item("79645", "Amy's Vegetable Soup 8 oz", 2.37, 2, 0.0825) items.append(item) item = Item("79688", "Amy's Vegetable Soup 12 oz", 3.49, 12, 0.0825) items.append(item) # these would be scanned and we would get the barcode 1 by 1 # this program the basics of how this would work itemsToBuy = ["78645", "79645"] # for the customer to buy # search for items and print out the name, cost, and tax for each # item. Also add up the total cost, total tax paid, and the # final bill to be paid. totalCost = 0.00 totalTax = 0.00 for barcode in itemsToBuy: # find the item in the items list by calling the # function searchForItemByBarcode and passing or # sending to it the items and the barcode in that order. item = searchForItemByBarcode(?????, ??????) # use item.price to refer to the price of this item # use item.inventory to refer to the inventory of this item totalCost = ????? + ???????? totalTax = ?????? + item.getTaxOnItem() # now print out the total cost without tax, the amount of tax to pay, # and the final bill finalBill = ???? # do the math # print it here with one value per line # For example: print("Total cost: ", totalCost) # then you would print your total tax, and then your final bill. ????????? ????????? ????????? print() print("Thank you for shopping at The Best Store") print() ############################################################################ List of Objects ############################################################################ Program #37 - Write a class that stores information about your driving record. Store in the class the driver's license, name, and license plate. class DriversRecord: def __init__(self, license, name, licensePlate): # create self.license, self.name, and self.licensePlate # and assign the corresponding parameter values to the # self variables (instance variables or members) self.????? = ????? self.????? = ??????? self.????? = ???????? # END OF class # this starts the main program # drivers will be a list that holds all of the DriversRecord objects. # The list will start out empty. drivers = [] # We will now add DriversRecord objects to our list of drivers driver = DriversRecord("677892456", "Fred Baker", "AB7864") drivers.append(item) # ADD THREE MORE PEOPLE # THE LICENSE MUST BE UNIQUE # Ask the user for the license number of whom you want to find. # The license will be a String, so do not type cast it. licenseToFind = ?????? theDriver = "" # this will hold the reference to the Driver if we find it found = False # Now we will go looking for the license and thus get the driver's info # We will look through all the drivers until we find it or the loop # ends. for driver in drivers: # driver will refer to one DriversRecord if licenseToFind == driver.?????: theDriver = ?????? # this should be the driver found = ???? # boolean value (don't put False) # check your found variable and see if it is == True # print out all the information about the driver # else: # print out an appropriate message (License not found.) print() ############################################################################ List of Objects ############################################################################ Program #38 - You will be modifying program #37. See code above and modify it. Add an instance variable called points that holds an integer. When you get a traffic ticket, depending on what you did wrong, you get points added to your points (this is NOT a good thing since the insurance companies can now charge you more money, and if you get too many points, the DMV can take your license away). You will need to modify your constructor (initializer). You will also need to add more object's to your list to test the printing of the points and a possible loss of your driver's license. When you print the driver's information, add the points to your output and a message. Example: Points: 5 Also, check and see if you have more than 10 points, and if so print out a message like: Example: Your license has been suspended. ############################################################################ List of Objects ############################################################################ Program #39 - You will be creating GameScore objects to hold the scores of several basketball games. // 1 GameScore Object // // We can create the object using the command or instruction: // game = GameScore("Boston Celtics", 116, "LA Lakers", 112) // // If we have a variable called game that // refers to this object in RAM memory, we // can use commands or instructions like: // game.team1 // game.points1 // game.team2 // game.points2 // // This command or instruction would create room in RAM memory that // could hold our information. It will run our init function after // reserving room in the RAM that will put the info in the object // for us. // // The variable named game would actually hold the memory address of where // the object was created in RAM memory, and thus we say that it refers to // (or points to) the object. RAM memory is byte addressable. // We have byte 0, byte 1, byte 2, ... byte 78456, byte 78455, ... // The OS determines where our object will be stored in RAM memory. // The OS keeps a map of all used memory. // So, maybe we would get a location starting at byte 78456, // and thus game would hold that number for us. // game // ============ // | 78456 | // ============ // // game would refer to this object stored at // memory location 78456 // // Location 78456 // ===================================== // | team1 | // | ============================= | // | | "Boston Celtics | | // | ============================= | // | | // | points1 | // | ============================= | // | | 116 | | // | ============================= | // | | // | team2 | // | ============================= | // | | LA Lakers | | // | ============================= | // | | // | points2 | // | ============================= | // | | 112 | | // | ============================= | // | | // | init | // | ============================= | // | | code goes here | | // | | code goes here | | // | | code goes here | | // | | code goes here | | // | | code goes here | | // | ============================= | // | | // ===================================== class GameScore: def __init__(self, team1, points1, team2, points2): self.team1 = team1 self.points1 = points1 self.team2 = team2 self.points2 = points2 # end of init function # END OF CLASS # NOTE: games is plural because we are # referring to possibly many GameScore objects # HOW WOULD I CREATE an array or list that can hold # GameScore objects???????????? games = [] # THIS WILL create a GameScore object and then add it # (or append it) to our games list (array) game = GameScore("Boston Celtics", 116, "LA Lakers", 112) games.append(game) # THIS WILL create a GameScore object and then add it # (or append it) to our games list (array) game = GameScore("San Antonio Spurs", 128, "Detroit Pistons", 96) games.append(game) # THIS WILL create a GameScore object and then add it # (or append it) to our games list (array) game = GameScore("Houston Rockets", 124, "Indiana Pacers", 119) games.append(game) # THIS WILL create a GameScore object and then add it # (or append it) to our games list (array) game = GameScore("Dallas Mavericks", 117, "New York Knicks", 115) games.append(game) # print the title "Game Scores" # ?????? # PRINT A BLANK LINE # ????? # PRINT A BLANK LINE print("Here are the scores printed from an array:") print("===============================================") # NOW LET'S LOOP THROUGH THE ARRAY # one GameScore object at a time # HOW MANY games are in the games array or list????? for i in range(0, len(games)): # HOW WOULD I ACCESS that game's team1 field (variable) ??????? # games[?].team1 print("Team: ", ???????) // HOW WOULD I ACCESS that game's points1 field (variable)??????? print("Score: ", ????????) print() # HOW WOULD I ACCESS that game's team2 field (variable) ??????? ?????? # HOW WOULD I ACCESS that game's points2 field (variable)??????? ?????? // HOW WOULD I PRINT A BLANK LINE TO SEPARATE THE OUTPUT // OF THIS GameScore object FROM THE NEXT GameScore object??????? ??????? print("===============================================") /* Sample run: Game Scores Here are the scores printed from an array: =============================================== Team: Boston Celtics Score: 116 Team: LA Lakers Score: 112 =============================================== Team: San Antonio Spurs Score: 128 Team: Detroit Pistons Score: 96 =============================================== Team: Houston Rockets Score: 124 Team: Indiana Pacers Score: 119 =============================================== Team: Dallas Mavericks Score: 117 Team: New York Knicks Score: 115 =============================================== */ ############################################################################ Arrays 2D ############################################################################ Program #40 - Write a program that prints out a 2D array in matrix format and row major order. Write a method to do the printing. Use print("%3d" % (element)) def printMatrix(matrix): for r in range(0, len(a)): for c in range(0, len(a[r])): print("%3d" % (a[r][c]), end=' ') # stay on row print() # move to next row # in your main program one = [ [1, 3, 6, 8,14,16,18], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [1, 2, 8, 4, 9, 6, 6] ] two = [ [2, 3, 6, 8,14,16,18], [3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [4, 2, 8, 4, 9, 6, 6] ] # print matrix one printMatrix(one) # now do array two ############################################################################ Arrays 2D ############################################################################ Program #41 - Write a program that prints out 1 row of a 2D array. Write a method to do the printing. def printRow(array): # Remember that array will be referring to just one row. # So, just print out the one row with each number formatted # to take up three print positions. You will need a loop. # You can use an indexed based loop like # for i in range(0, len(array)): # num = array[i] # and now print the number formatted # OR a for each loop like # for num in array: # and now print the number formatted # in your main method # In the list below: # one[0] is referring to [1, 3, 6, 8,14,16,18] # one[1] is referring to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] # one[2] is referring to [1, 2, 8, 4, 9, 6, 6] # in the list below, len(one) is 3 (since there are 3 lists or 3 rows) # in the list below, len(one[0]) is 7 (since there are 7 elements in the 0 list) one = [ [1, 3, 6, 8,14,16,18], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [1, 2, 8, 4, 9, 6, 6] ] two = [ [2, 3, 6, 8,14,16,18], [3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [4, 2, 8, 4, 9, 6, 6] ] # print the first element in one's first line print(one[0][0]) # print the second element in one's first line print(one[0][1]) # print the third element in one's first line print(one[0][2]) # print row 0 printRow(one[0]) # now print row 1 # now print row 2 # use a loop to print all rows by calling printRow for each row for r in range(len(one)): ############################################################################ Arrays 2D ############################################################################ Program #42 - Write a program that finds the sum of a row. Print all elements of the row followed by the sum. Make sure that your output is lined up properly. Write a method to do the printing. def findSum(array): # array will be a list (1d array) # find the sum and return it # You will need a loop (either for indexed or for each loop) def printRow(array): # array will be a list (1d array) def printSum(array): # array will be a list (1d array) # call the findSum function # use 4 print positions (formatted) # in your main program one = [1, 3, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18] two = [2, 3, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18] # call printRow and then printSum for each 1d array ############################################################################ Arrays 2D ############################################################################ Program #43 - Write a program that finds the sum of each row. Print all elements of the row followed by the sum. Make sure that your output is lined up properly. Write a method to do the printing. After doing this, write a method to print out the sum of each column. def printRow(array): define printRowSum(array): def printAllRowsAndSum(array): for r in range(0, len(array)): printRow(array[r]); # prints out row r printRowSum(array[r]); # prints the sum of row r // call this method after printing out all rows and their sums def printColumnSum(array, column): def printSumOfAllColumns(array): // in your main method one = [ [1, 3, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [1, 2, 8, 4, 9, 6, 6] ] two = [ [2, 3, 6, 8,14,16,18], [3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7],[4, 2, 8, 4, 9, 6, 6]] // Do not use any loops here // Just make method calls ############################################################################ Arrays 2D ############################################################################ Program #44 - Write a program that finds if X or O is a winner. Make sure that your output is lined up properly. Write a method to print out the game board, and then print out who won. def printBoard(board): # print out the board in matrix format def isWinnerHorizontally(player, board): # player should be either "X" or "O" # board should be a 2D array # return True if you find a winner # else return False # We will check row 0 first. # There is an easier way with loops. Can you think of how # See if player is equal to board[0][0] and # player is equal to board[0][1] and # player is equal to board[0][1] and if player == board[0][0] and player == board[0][1] and player == board[0][2]: return True # Now check row 1 # Now check row 2 # if none of the above are True, simply return False return False def isWinnerVertically(player, board): def isWinnerOnDiagonal1(player, board): def isWinnerOnDiagonal2(player, board): def isWinner(player, board): # We will call each of the win methods above # See if player is a winner horizontally if isWinnerHorizontally(player, board): return True # See if player is a winner horizontally if isWinnerVertically(player, board): return True # See if player is a winner on the first diagonal # See if player is a winner on the second diagonal # if it gets here, return False since player is NOT a winner # in your main method board1 = [ ['X', 'O', 'X'], ['X', 'X', 'O'], ['O', 'O', 'X'] ] ] board2 = [ ['X', 'O', 'X'], ['X', 'X', 'O'], ['O', 'O', 'X'] ] board3 = [ ['X', 'O', 'X'], ['X', 'X', 'O'], ['O', 'O', 'X'] ] printBoard(board1) print() if isWinner("X", board1): print("X is the winner on board1") elif isWinner("O", board1): print("O is the winner on board1") else: print("There is no winner on board1. Cat's game!!!") # print 2 blank lines # DO THIS FOR board2 # DO THIS FOR board3 ############################################################################ Arrays 2D ############################################################################ Program #45 - Write a program that plays tic tac toe but lets the users enter the positions of where they want to play. You will need the functions that you wrote above. Copy and paste them into this program. Make sure that your output is lined up properly. # MAIN PROGRAM print("Tic-Tac-Toe") print() print() while True: # outer loop of game to play another game # we will create an empty board for this game board = [ ['-', '-', '-'], ['-', '-', '-'], ['-', '-', '-'] ] # print the board while True: # inner loop that plays 1 game # player X will choose the row and column to play on. print("Player X's turn") row = int(input("Enter your row to play on (1,2,3): ")) col = int(input("Enter your col to play on (1,2,3): ")) row = row - 1 col = col - 1 board[row][col] = "X" # print the board # check and see if "X" is a winner # if so print out that X is a winner and break the loop print() # player O will choose the row and column to play on. print("Player O's turn") row = int(input("Enter your row to play on (1,2,3): ")) col = int(input("Enter your col to play on (1,2,3): ")) row = row - 1 col = col - 1 board[row][col] = "O" # print the board # check and see if "O" is a winner # if so print out that O is a winner and break the loop print() print() print() print() playAgain = input("Would you like to play another game? (y or n)") if playAgain == "n": break # breaks out of outer loop print() print() print("Thank you for playing Tic-Tac-Toe. I hope that you had fun!") ############################################################################ Arrays 2D ############################################################################ Program #46 - There are problems with the game above. Fix the problems. 1) A player could play on another players move or his own. Check the spot to see if it is available. Wrap up the input process in a loop. 2) A player could enter a row or column that is out of range. Check and see if they are within the range. Wrap up the input process in a loop. 3) Add a function to see if the row and col are in range, and the spot is an empty spot. return True or False 4) Call the function above in your main program to make it more readable. ############################################################################ Arrays 2D ############################################################################ Program #47 - You will be writing a program called Battle Ship. You will move your ship through dangerous waters and avoid hitting the destroyers. # Battle Ship # Put functions here # ================== def printBoard(board): # code to print the board goes here for row in range(0,len(board)): for col in range(0, len(board[row])): print(???????????, end='') print() return def copyBoard(board): newBoard = [] for row in range(0,len(board)): newRow = [] for col in range(0, len(board[row])): newRow.append(board[row][col]) newBoard.append(newRow) return newBoard def moveDestroyersDown(board): # You will need to start at the last row and move all # Distroyers off the board (set them to ' '). Then # continue by moving all Destroyers down by one # When you move a destroyer down, erase it from it's # current position, and then assign it to the row # below. # this clears the bottom row as these destroyers # leave the area, or you could wrap them around. lastRow = len(board) - 1 for col in range(0,len(board[0])): board[lastRow][col] = ' ' shipIsHit = False # Now move all the destroyers down 1 row # but first check to see if the ship is # in that spot. If so, set shipIsHit to True. # So, loop through all the rows for the outside loop # Then loop through all the columns on the row (indexed loop) # Inside the inner loop check to see if you have a destroyer, # and if so see if it would hit your ship, and if so # set shipIsHit to true. Then move the destroyer down. # DO NOT CHANGE THE row variable, just use: # board[row+1][col] = 'D' ????????? ????????? ????????? ????????? return shipIsHit # Main program goes here # ================== # here is the board row0 = ['D', ' ', 'D', ' ', 'D' , 'D', 'D', ' '] row1 = ['D', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , 'D', ' ', ' '] row2 = ['D', ' ', 'D', ' ', ' ' , 'D', ' ', ' '] row3 = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , 'D', ' ', 'D'] row4 = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', ' ', ' '] row5 = [' ', 'D', ' ', 'D', 'D' , ' ', ' ', ' '] row6 = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', ' ', ' '] row7 = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', ' ', ' '] row8 = [' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', ' ', ' '] row9 = [' ', ' ', ' ', '*', ' ' , ' ', ' ', ' '] board = [] board.append(row0) board.append(row1) board.append(row2) board.append(row3) board.append(row4) board.append(row5) board.append(row6) board.append(row7) board.append(row8) board.append(row9) originalBoard = copyBoard(board) shipRow = 9 shipCol = 3 print("Battle Ship") print() print() while True: # outer loop of game to play another game # we will create a board for this game (optional) # just reset it back to the beginning # (call a function to do this) board = copyBoard(originalBoard) # reset the ship's coordinates shipRow and shipCol shipRow = 9 shipCol = 3 # print the board printBoard(board) while True: # inner loop that plays 1 game # Ask the user how to move (left, up, right, or none) print("You can move left (l), up (u), right (r), none (n), or quit (q)") move = input("Enter how to move (l, u, r, n, q): ") # handle the move if possible # if this move attempts to go out of bounds, ignore it and # stay put. if move == 'l': board[shipRow][shipCol] = ' ' shipCol = shipCol - 1 if board[shipRow][shipCol] == 'D': print("You lose!!!") break board[shipRow][shipCol] = '*' elif move == 'u': board[shipRow][shipCol] = ' ' shipRow = shipRow - 1 if board[shipRow][shipCol] == 'D': print("You lose!!!") break board[shipRow][shipCol] = '*' elif move == 'r': board[shipRow][shipCol] = ' ' shipCol = shipCol + 1 if board[shipRow][shipCol] == 'D': print("You lose!!!") break board[shipRow][shipCol] = '*' elif move == 'q': break # Now move the destroyers down # Call your method shipIsHit = moveDestroyersDown(board) # Now see if your ship got hit if shipIsHit == True: print("You lose!!!") break # print the new board # call a function printBoard(board) # check for a win (reaching row 0) and # if so, print out a win message and then break the loop if shipRow == 0: print("You win!!! Great job!!!") break print() print() print() print() playAgain = input("Would you like to play another game? (y or n)") if playAgain == "n": break # breaks out of outer loop print() print() print("Thank you for playing Battle Ship. I hope that you had fun!") ############################################################################ Arrays 2D ############################################################################ Program #48 - You will be writing a program called Pascal's Triangle. You will need to generate Pascal's Triangle and then print it out. Store the numbers in a 2 dimensional array. The first column is always a 1. You will need to generate elements starting at row 1. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 6 4 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 10 10 5 1 0 0 0 etc. def printMatrix(matrix): # print the matrix in formatted form print() def fillMatrixWithAllZeroes(matrix): # we will now create all the rows and fill them with 0's for row in range(0,9): # creates an empty array array = [] for col in range(0,9): array.append(0) # appends the array as a new row for the matrix matrix.append(array) def fillMatrix(matrix): # fill the matrix for row in range(1,9): for col in range(1,9): # change the row,col element to be # the sum of the element directly above # plus the element to the left of the element above # matrix[row][col] = ?????? # MAIN PROGRAM print("Pascal's Triangle") print() print() # this creates an empty matrix matrix = [] # we will now fill it with 0's # call a function ??????? # fill the first column with 1's. # use a single loop # look at the pattern below and # notice what is changing (the row) matrix[0][0] = 1 matrix[1][0] = 1 matrix[2][0] = 1 matrix[3][0] = 1 # etc. # now we can put the correct numbers into the array # for the other elements # call your method # now print the matrix # call your method from above print() print() print("Thank you for printing Pascal's Triangle. I hope that you had fun!") ############################################################################ Arrays 2D ############################################################################ Program #49 - You will be writing a program that has an encrypt and decrypt function. You will be using a 2D array (or matrix) to hold the translations. We will only use capital letters. encryptMatrix A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . (space) decryptMatrix Y Z . (space) U V W X Q R S T M N O P I J K L E F G H A B C D def encrypt(s): # write the code to encrypt s (s is a String) # Example 1: "ABCD" would become "YZ. " # Example 2: "CAR" would become ".YJ" return ??? def decrypt(s): # write the code to encrypt s (s is a String) # Example 1: "YZ. " would become "ABCD" # Example 2: ".YJ" would become "CAR" return ??? # MAIN PROGRAM print("Encrypt - Decrypt") print() print() while True: # Ask the user to enter a string with all capitals s = ??????? # if s is empty, then break # Encrypt the String e = ?????? # print e with a message print("The encrypted string is " + e) # decrypt e s = decrypt(e) # print s with a message print("The decrypted string is " + s) print() print() print("Thank you encrypting and decrypting. I hope that you had fun!") ############################################################################ Arrays 1D ############################################################################ Program #50 - You will be writing a program that is an English to Spanish dictionary. # write a class to hold the english word and the spanish word(s). # include an init constructor which receives the english word and # the corresponding spanish word(s). Your program should find the # word whether it is in upper or lower case or a combination. # You can convert to other languages as well. class Word: # put your init function here # MAIN PROGRAM # this creates an empty words = [] word = Word("House", "Casa") words.append(word) word = Word("Cat", "Gato, Gata") words.append(word) # add 4 more words # you can use google to look up more words print("English to Spanish Dictionary") print() print() found = False while True: # ask the user to enter the english word that they want to find # in order to get the corresponding spanish word englishWord = ????("Enter the English word: ") if englishWord == "": break found = False word = "" # loop through the words and see if you find # it, and if you do, set word to refer to # the word object that you found, and set # found to True if found == True: # print out the spanish word else: # print your word was not found print() print() print("Goodbye!") ############################################################################ Arrays 1D ############################################################################ Program #51 - You will be writing a program that plays BlackJack. # MAKE SURE THAT YOU LEAVE THE COMMENTS IN PLACE # THIS WILL HELP YOU FIND YOUR ERRORS import random # This class holds information about one card # Create the class header # The class name should be Card (with a capital C) class ????: # write the constructor header def ????????(self, suit, kind, value): self.suit = ???? self.kind = ???? self.value = ????? def getKindOfCard(self): return self.????? def getCardValue(self): return self.????? # END OF class # This function creates all the cards for one suit def createCards(cards, suit): for c in range(1,14): if c < 10: card = Card(suit, str(c), c) elif c == 10: card = Card(suit, "Jack", 10) elif c == 11: card = Card(suit, "Queen", 10) elif c == 12: card = Card(suit, "King", 10) elif c == 13: card = Card(suit, "Ace", 11) # We should now add this card to our cards array cards.??????(card) # end of for loop # END OF function # THIS function can print any list of cards # It can print the playersHand, the dealersHand, or all the cards in the deck # You simply pass the appropriate list of cards to this function when you call it def printCards(cards): for card in ?????: # for each loop (for each card in the cards array) print("%-10s %-10s" % (card.suit, card.kind)) print() # This will get 1 card from the cards list (The deck of cards) def getACard(cards): # we will get a random card from the list of cards x = random.randrange(0, len(cards)) # finds the position of a random card card = cards[x] # card will now refer to this card object del cards[x] # we will now remove it from the cards list return card # END OF getACard # This will get the sum of all the cards in some hand of cards def getHandValue(cards): # We need to find the sum of all the card values sum = ? for card in cards: sum = ??? + card.getCardValue() return ??? # MAIN PROGRAM # We create an empty cards list cards = ?? # This will create all the cards for suit in ['Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Spades', 'Clubs']: createCards(cards, suit) # print(len(cards)) # uncomment the line below if you want to see all of your cards # printCards(cards) print ('Blackjack') print() print() # The playersHand will be empty to start. playersHand = ?? # The dealersHand will be empty to start. dealersHand = ?? # You have not won yet nor have you lost yet. wins = ? losses = ? # Let's start playing the game of BlackJack while True: # Set both the player's hand and the dealer's hand to hold nothing playersHand = ?? dealersHand = ?? # get 2 cards for the player card = getACard(cards) playersHand.append(card) card = getACard(cards) playersHand.append(card) # get 2 cards for the dealer and add them to the dealersHand card = ??????(?????) dealersHand.?????(??????) card = ??????(?????) dealersHand.??????(?????) while True: print("Your cards are :") # call the function printCards() and pass to it playersHand ???????(???????) # Ask the user if they want another card pickACard = ?????("Do you want another card (y or n)? ") # See if pickACard is equal to "y" if ???????? ?? ???: # get another card from the cards array card = getACard(?????) # Now add this card to the playersHand playersHand.append(card) if getHandValue(dealersHand) < 16: # get another card from the cards array card = ???????(??????) # Now add this card to the dealersHand dealersHand.??????(????) # get the hand value of the playersHand if ??????????(???????) > 21: print() break # See if pickACard is equal to "n" ????????? print() break print() # END OF WHILE loop print() while getHandValue(dealersHand) < 16: # get a card from the deck of cards card = getACard(?????) dealersHand.append(card) # Get the value of the player's hand playersHandValue = ???????(???????) # Get the value of the dealer's hand dealersHandValue = ????????(????????) # print out who wins for each of the following cases # and print out the hand value for the player and the dealer # Also add 1 to the wins if you win # Add 1 to the losses if you lose if playersHandValue <= 21 and playersHandValue > dealersHandValue: ???? print out who won print("Player's hand value:", playersHandValue) print("Dealer's hand value:", dealersHandValue) wins = ?????? elif playersHandValue <= 21 and dealersHandValue > 21: ???? print out who won print("Player's hand value:", playersHandValue) print("Dealer's hand value:", dealersHandValue) wins = ?????? elif playersHandValue <= 21 and playersHandValue == dealersHandValue: ???? print out who won print("Player's hand value:", playersHandValue) print("Dealer's hand value:", dealersHandValue) losses = ?????? elif playersHandValue > 21 and dealersHandValue > 21: ???? print out who won print("Player's hand value:", playersHandValue) print("Dealer's hand value:", dealersHandValue) elif dealersHandValue <= 21: ???? print out who won print("Player's hand value:", playersHandValue) print("Dealer's hand value:", dealersHandValue) losses = ???????? else: print("Dealer wins!") print("Player's hand value:", playersHandValue) print("Dealer's hand value:", dealersHandValue) losses = ???????? print() print("Wins:", ????, " Losses:", ?????) print() print() # Ask the user if they want to play another game answer = ?????("Do you want to play another game (y or n)? ") print() # See if the answer is 'n' and if so break the loop ??????? print() print("Thanks for playing Blackjack!!!") print() print("Goodbye!") ############################################################################ Arrays 1D ############################################################################ Program #52 - You will be writing a program that creates some picture. A sample python program with turtle graphics # allows us to access the turtle modules or code import turtle # creates the Turtle object t = turtle.Turtle() t.color("red") t.shape("turtle") t.pensize(5) # the code will execute with n having values # that keep changing each time through the loop # n will be 10, 20, 30, 40, 60 n = 10 while n <= 40: # the blocked code gets executed for each # value of n print("We will draw a circle with the radius of",n) t.circle(n) n = n+10 print() print(n) # A simple turtle graphics program import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() t.shape("turtle") t.pensize(5) u = input("Would you like me to draw a shape? Type yes or no: ") if u == "yes": t.circle(50) elif u == "no": print("Okay") else: print("Invalid Reply") for c in ['red', 'green', 'yellow', 'blue']: # the blocked code gets executed for each # value of c t.pendown() t.color("green", c) t.forward(75) t.left(90) t.forward(50) t.penup() t.forward(50) t.home() t.pendown() t.color('red','blue') t.circle(60) t.dot(30) n=10 while n <= 40: # the blocked code gets executed for each # value of n t.circle(n) n = n+10

End of Programming Assignments


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